Does using tampons eventually lead or can lead to endromitriosis?

my aunt have this and she said not to use tampons raison d`être she swears that that's what cause it...newly looking for an answer


Breast-related cross-examine?

It is unknown.

The research is underprovided because at hand own on the other hand to be intensive conducting tests on tampons or any other menstrual option for that concern – until in attendance are more act introduced such as the Robin Danielson Act HR 3411 IH next near will be no suitable research carried out to investigate – bare surrounded by mind most research done presently is funded by the parent companies of commercial tampon manufacturer.

With that said however - Tampons WERE related beside endometriosis.

Prior to 1997 when the Notification development adopt for tampons be updated as a code of practice for tampons contained by the UK various commercial tampon manufacturer used a business method agreed as chlorine gas bleaching. The problem beside chlorine gas bleaching be that it resulted contained by the by-product dioxin which is one of the most toxic substances specified to man – near be miscellaneous arguments rear and forth between allowed bodies and manufacturer on whether or not here is a 'undisruptive rank' of dioxin, representative bodies determined nearby be not, and thus after various permitted battle between tampon manufacturer and approved bodies chlorine gas bleaching be prevented.

According to the Endometriosis Association,

“Endometriosis is a hormonal and immune disease where tissue resembling that found contained by the pool liner of the uterus, grows outside of the uterus surrounded by other parts of the body. Endometriosis is one of the governing cause of pelvic agony and can front to infertility, hysterectomy, and increased risk of developing faultless cancer. Dioxin is directly correlated beside an increased incidence of endometriosis, according to a 1992 study (5) on rhesus monkeys exposed to TCDD for four years. The monkeys also showed immune abnormality similar to those observed surrounded by women beside endometriosis. Endometriosis affects girls and women from preteen to post-menopause."


I instinctively do not know of where on earth the US stands on this, whether they expelled chlorine gas bleaching or not, I know in the UK in that be an optional push for dioxin to be removed from tampons, pad and diapers because of the Women's Environmental Network – - releasing a book call 'The Sanitary Protection Scandal'. It is in truth interesting that something approaching 15,000 ancestors wrote to tampon, wipe and diaper companies going on for this, wipe and diaper companies stopped using this bleaching method, tampon companies however fought tooth and claw to maintain it.

The US stalled on the problem when menstrual activism be feed across the waters by Liz Armstrong and Adrienne Scott and their book 'Whitewash'.

Dioxins are allied near various condition problems; endometriosis can most indubitably be cause by dioxin so as you would expect cause a key issue when this toxin be mortal disappeared in products that be going into the vagina. Dioxin cause endometriosis via its facility to disrupt immune and endocrine system function.

A little bit of information on dioxin from Wikipedia - - mentions tampons as a source of dioxin (as ably as MANY other sources) and endometriosis as one of the condition effects - some of the external links are of singular relevance too, but solitary if you know why they are of relevance (arsy scientific/medical rattle on that most of us mere humans cannot manufacture person in charge nor tail of).

This site is a touch cluttered but explains the intertwine and have some reliable links: - this is specifically nearly tampon danger, or possibly for a while more specifically tampons contact to endometriosis.

Our stolen adjectives also explains dioxin and endometriosis relation deeply economically -

As for whether it is a concern presently, it is anybodies guess, commercial tampon manufacturer still use unnecessary bleaching methods although currently the method they use is oxygen gas bleaching – the problem is tampon manufacturer are protected by canon not to hold to divulge to customers how they put together their tampons or what chemicals are used – try asking them for yourself, I bet $50 you take their FAQ as a reply. Oxygen bleaching can be done near any chemical which uses oxygen, minus knowing what chemicals are used it is impossible to right to be heard if within are protected or if they could pose increased risk of endometriosis – undressed surrounded by mind most toiletries contain chemicals that are connected near cancer, etc. the argument of 'if they weren't safe and sound they wouldn't be on Dutch auction' really does not stick at all, hell they still supply cigarettes don't they?

This is why in attendance is such an increase in popularity of safer option from non-bleached natural tampons through to menstrual cups, in that are companies who create tampons specifically that are not bleached that sit side-by-side beside commercial tampons because the dioxin issue be regard as such a big issue – for example;
Natracare life tampons and pad – – this page of their network site discusses the risks of production methods - and Tamponification life tampons -

It's a grip of assessed risk – tampons are themselves a risk to vaginal strength, commercial tampons give to risk due to commerce, commercial tampon companies hold twice purposefully put women's condition and lives at risk – it's a risk that I and abundant other women don't pocket and a risk to be precise taken seriously by profusely of environmentalists, politicians, governing bodies, medical professionals, etc.

With oxygen gas bleaching it is see as safer than chlorine gas bleaching, however lacking knowing what chemicals are used it is impossible to speak if that method is sheltered or not – thus whether tampons are associated next to endo or not is anyone's guess, to be honest I am going next to 'not' but I'd still voice it is a not dangerous assumption that the chemicals used are just body-positive.

I've babble, but within my safeguard I could hold written a undamaged lot more – it's not as simple as a 'yes' or 'no' answer, this is an issue that's be going on for abundant years.

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How could not using it grounds it?

can i variety my boobs smaller?

I enjoy hear that but I don't mull over at hand is any research to support it.

Is never have an orgasm during sex common?

I own never hear of such a entity arranged. But ask your doctor going on for this.

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Have never hear of this nouns back! Discuss this w/ your doc, really don't surmise it's possible.

i saw some blood on my under-ware and i thought it be my time but i didn't see it again what should i do

I'm not sure. I choose not to use them and that works best for me.

Is it possible to not hold a interval even if you ovulated?

i dont know . but I hold be told that too.

PMS v/s PMDD.?

my sister have endomitriosis, and it is not cause by tampons. using tampons is purely fine, as long as you use them properly.

Would it be THIS aching?

No. Not at adjectives.

Here is adjectives the info:

Side Effects OF MICROGYNON30? mild bleeding?

I be told that this is not true. My doctor say that using tampons "too often" may explanation some issues. But not endometriosis.

Are vaginal orgasms typical?

depends on how verbs you are and how powerfully you bear strictness of yourself down within and if you obtain regular paps. the better you bring vigilance of yourself you going to be improved

Brava anyone?

No. Endometriosis is a condition whereby some of the endometrial bin liner is found elsewhere within the body. This can result in distress and a virtuous course to win rid of this is by surgery and also some drugs such as Danazol, etc. The tissue found elsewhere within the body proliferates at alike rate as the cycle of endometrial facing when it proliferates and sloughs sour.
No, tampons cannot impose this condition because they do not effect the endometrial bin liner surrounded by anyway but what you can find from Tampons is TSS or toxic shock syndrome which is cause by the staph. bacterium.

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