A deoderant that stops you from having sweat marks?

I go and get really doomed to failure raining spots lower than my arms from sweating. I don't stink, I only perspire like mad. Is at hand a deoderant that will give a hand this?

Girls solely please comfort?

absolute dry. it's not similar to a regular anti-perspirant, so read adjectives the directions painstakingly. works wonders! i be in the region of to move about attain botox beneath my arms previously i found it.

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You're looking for an antiperspirant, not a deodorant.

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i hold one and the same problem and it is so annoying cuz you cant raise your arms or you will catch laugh at. or at least possible to be exact what would surface to me. but i own hear that the deodrant drysol works appropriate to. and this is not close to a regular deodarant any. honourable luck.

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Deodorant is to comfort wipe out odor.
Antiperspirant's serve stop sweating.

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I own like problem. I've found that Arrid Extra-Extra Dry antiperspirant help a ton. Also, you can go and get a prescription antiperspirant from a doctor.
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