Are there any treatments for IBS?
Answers: There are different treatments, but it depends on the type of IBS you have... it effects patients differently (I won't go into the gorey details!)
If you go to a Gastrointerologist, he/she can perform a colonoscopy to be sure there's no other underlying problems. (You'll probably have to be referred by your general doctor.) Depending on what that test shows will determine the course of treatement.
Again, it depends on the person. There are some prescriptions; some diets; and there are also support groups you can join. I would really recommend that you talk to you doctor first... believe it or not it's a VERY common problem - people are just uneasy about talking about it! :).
Go to a Gastrointestinal doctor.
They will be the best person to go to with this issue and they will know what to do for your particular situation. There are a lot of perscription drugs to try. Remicade infusions work wonders, but those are only when the other medication stops working. .
sometimes it can be due to food allergies especially gluten Try these sites and talk to your Dr.