I have a kidney infection in the order of two weeks ago and it burned really doomed to failure.. Now i started my time of year and it hurts..

Could it still be a kidney infection? Or somethin else? And i am sexually active but im undisruptive so i dont think it could be a std but im not sure... Someone serve

Answers:    I always hold kidney and bladder infections. I have one on both sides as we speak. And it doesn't quality so good. I other seem to bring rid of mine with antibiodics and cranberry liquid, but they just preserve comeing back contained by a matter of time. If your hurting again than most feasible your getting it again. so u should definatly go to the doctors beforehand it gets worse. Don't verbs, i don't think it's an std. i have clamidia 5years ago, it's a common std and i didn't own no symtoms at all. They say aloud most don't. So i wouldn't worry in the order of that. But having sex while your side hurts is freshly going to make matter worst. So i would lay off the rollplay for a few more days.
idk sorry you inevitability to talk to a doctor to find out what is really wrong.
probably the kidney infection...but starting your P, your bloated and your uterus could be pushing on your kidney which is making it hurt more. if it still hurts tomorrow i'd ring the doc who diagnosed the kidney infection and ask them. if could just be unforgettable effect from the kidney infection
get it checked out by a doctor. i might be nought but it could also be serious. better safe than sorry yeah, very well, I just developed a stomach spot, and I found out that I have to endow with up wine, and coffee. at least, you'll win over your problem.
Have you ever tried Cranberry Concentrate? . . . you most likely hold a UTI or an yeast infection you need to budge to the docs ASAP to get some antibiotics...you don't wanna mess around near your kidneys seriously! AND if it hurts to pee drinks cranberry juice by the bottle!!
The infection may not own been entirely cleared up. Go put a bet on to the doctor. do not hesitate and walk to a clinic or see your doctor. please! so many empire brush off these "pains" as nought and later find out they would enjoy been more comfortable knowing it be nothing by seeing their practitioner. merely do it - go see him/her, or you clinic and it will release you piece of mind. obviously it is worrying you Hun. put it to rest by doing what i suggested. its the safest opening and do not get confused by some general public saying its nought on here...do the right thing. fitting luck Hun!
kidney infections can be difficult to clear up. Sexual activity can build it worse by carrying bacteria up practical the urethra - they call cystis "the honeymoon complaint" for that completely reason.

You might necessitate antibiotics again, but in the miserable time, try drinking A LOT of water or soda or squash. A pint an hour for a couple of hours, next half a pint an hour for a couple more. Dilute what's doing the burning. Drink plenty of sea for a couplf of days. Sometimes you can flush the infection right away.

Otherwise, back to the docs.
Girl, it,s probably a UTI. What you obligation to do is drink a lot of river and pure cranberry juice ( 100% pure) the other liquid will not do anything for you. Make an doctors appt so they can give you something. Oh yeah stay away from coffee & pop.

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