Can you take backbone impair from and injection?

I received the 2nd gardisil shot in January and since consequently ive had misery in the unbroken length of my arm on the side where it be given... the pain go from my wrist to my shoulder... is it possible that the nurse hit a nerve when she give the injection. if so is their any cure for this?

Answers:    You can totally hit a nerve and enjoy problems from it with a shot. I have the most aweful epidural known to man because of it!! The spasm stuck around for more than a year and then i slowly stopped notice it. During my epidural, whenever they gave meds next to it...only 2 X cuz they did it wrong i feel everything!!, I would pass out and my blood pressure go down to 65/70. Nerve cells regenerate SLOWLY and solely to a point. if you had self-assurance damage, i would right to be heard that it would fix itself, however, i am not a doc...and it might not even be nerves. good luck, hope it go away like mine did.
I get in the put a bet on of my hand from an IV plunger. I sometimes get a wierd spasm surrounded by my hand/wrist. Don't know of a fast cure but it will restore to health...eventually.

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