When on birth control is the absolute safest time to have sex right when you start the less hormonal pills?
beforehand and after the period.no ovums are present next
ovulation occur contained by mid cycle 14 days so most fertile contained by middle of flowless days it lives 3 days..
on birth control pills ovulation doesnt occur
still it is the best time..is something like until that time and after period..
When you lug your birth control as prescribed and every daytime at one and the same time (within a 2 hour time period), later any time is a not detrimental time.
When unsure use backup!
The safest time would truly be the middle week of involved pills. Missing a pill or two in the week since and after the pill-free week is one of the adjectives casues of the pill failing, so it make sense that the safest time is when you've get at least possible seven days of pills contained by your system, and seven days of pills after as very well.
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