Bacterial Vaginosis?
Answers: There are 3 most common types of vaginal infection:
1. yeast infection (fungal infection) - itchy, reddishness of vaginal area, white discharge that is curd-like (cottage-cheese-like)
2. bacterial vaginosis (bacterial infection) - adjectives symptoms of yeast infection AND fishy/unpleasant odor (especially after intercourse)
3. trichomoniasis (viral infection) - this is a form of STD and a person can exhibit all of the above symptoms except discharge will yellow/greenish
If you are also experiencing burning when you urinate, you may enjoy urinary tract infection in addition to a vaginal infection. I would recommend that you walk a doctor immediately so that if you do happen to hold more than one condition, they don't lead to further complications.
And yes, you can have vaginal infection over and over. It is repeatedly caused by a disturbance in the bacterial flora contained by your vagina. (unless you have trichomoniasis, of course)
In the mean time, avoid sexual intercourse because it will solely further aggitate your disease states..
Yes, they may need to prescribe a different medication. They have creams for this type of infection but it's kinda gross, you own to insert the cream into your.... but it works and you cannot have sex until the treatment is complete or you will pass it final and forth between you and your partner.
*** Yes, this can be mistaken for Chlamydia. Because Bacterial Vaginosis is also considered a sexually transmitted disease it is often mistaken for Chlamydia and also very repeatedly mis-diagnosed***