I think i suffered a heart attack im a 35 year old female i was 32 at the time could it be a heart attack?

i woke impulsive one morning near crushing chest dull pain,anguish within my gone arm twinge contained by my nouns misery contained by my throat unqualified to swallow,be in actual fact sick i have a stomach-ache seperate to the crushing aching within my chest which be a current of misery which come from beneath both armpits and wave around to the front of my chest and when they met contained by the central point of my chest i feel as if someone have my heart within within hand and have twisted every bit of time out of it and it be with the sole purpose when i have this aching that i be sick during the 45 minutes of have these symptoms i have that heart crushing affliction which merely last second respectively time something like 20 times adjectives within adjectives.

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Best to attain checked anything anyone say. But in that are other things that impose similar symptoms. I hold gallbladder problems sometimes but surrounded by years gone bygone I enjoy be diagnosed next to food poisoning and have my heart rate monitored. Both things be process bad track. But apparently the symptoms of gallbladder headache emulate heart niggle.

can i say aloud it be my..?

and you didnt budge to hospital ?
logically it be lol

I know this is kinda gross, but i want relief?

sounds similar to it! why didn't you move about to the hospital? i see that be markedly startling.

girl's one and only, time press.?

It be not a heart attack. It cud be angina spasm. Better stir to a doc for checkup without delay.

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You should own gone to the hospital, it could enjoy be, however if you dance for a checkup they can still update you if it be a heart attack or not!!

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Well u r still alive after 3 years so are u that worried that it might enjoy be! If u r concerned pop in the docs!

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Heart attack symptoms for women are different from the ones that are so well-publicized for men. What you experienced could own be a frenzy attack. It is indeed something your doctor requests to know give or take a few, even after adjectives this time. If you did certainly hold a heart attack, it could own done irremediable disrupt to the heart itself. Please turn contained by for an exam and speak about your doctor around this episode.


Hey girlie me think you requirement to progress to the Docs bring up to date him your experience, he will most probably distribute you for an ECG, which you merely stir to the dept in need an app so no call for to continue for app it is as fast as that, but you know weave can really be frightening HONESTLY the cramp can be !!, it can travel from your stern to your chest and you suggest you are dying I have this after an op so I know it be not a heart attack, right bad you be in motion explain to the receptionist at the Doctors. Janie

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Sounds approaching it.People do attain heart attacks at a infantile age even babys acquire it.I`ll carry it check out.Sorry for what surface to you that sounds terrifying.

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could hold be peracaditis, it is repeatedly mistaken for a heart attack i know as my boyfriend have it, and the symtoms can sometimes come bak. peracaditis is a virus that attacks the heart and can be immensely throbbing, and close to i said it is incredibly commonly mistaken for a heart attack. but seeing as it be so long ago you may never in a minute but if it happen again a moment ago phone call the paramedics asap as you can never be too particular!

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If that happen again dial 999 and achieve an ambulance, on Monday morning acquire your self down to the doctors you may be at serious risk next to out knowing it. Never Never treat any crushing chest pains frothy heartedly it may be the final entry you ever do
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