Period stuff...ladies with the sole purpose?
I got my time of year yesterday (monday), making it 3 days early this month...not a big settlement, but what is a big deal is the reality that my breasts are still KILLING ME. My breasts always hurt during PMS. The other item that's also a big deal is the reality that now I'm on year 2...this is usually when I start getting heavy, but for some sense I'm not at all. I not quite need a wad.I'm just finding blood when I wipe, etc. This merely seems strange and I'd appreciate any guesses as to reason why.
Things that I've come up with on my own:
-just started staple classes last monday...stress?
-pap smear finishing wednesday...never had one this close to my time before...conceivably that screws next to it?
Have you used the monostat day or dark ? Does it work ?
All normal. Your extent is just decide to change on you rather bit. It happens every presently and then. Nothing to nervousness.
Periods are bitches. I could spend the rest of my enthusiasm trying to figure out what the hell cause them to be so sporadic. But I still don't think I'd hold an answer. A number of things could have cause your period not lone to be early, but bring you more cramp. It's just one of those things that you own to learn to kinda roll next to the punches. Unless it changes so dramatically that it cause a lot of concern, later it's just your interval being a headache!! (In more ways then one) That be how my doctor put it.
periods are so weird and they are different for everyone. if you are REALLY regular and you get the impression like this is different. I would hold a pregnancy test if you muse you could be pregnant. If there is no arbitrariness that you could be pregnant than dont worry almost it. your body will work it out. but do take a examination if you feel resembling something is different and you dont start normally surrounded by a few days