My stomach is really hurting me.. Why?

I have sex couple of days ago and my boyfriend pre- come inside of me and right very soon as am typing my stomach is really hurting me resembling hell.Could I be pregnant? am trying not to worry

the birth control shot!?

all right i don't devise you would touch it a couple days subsequent so probably not

I own be stale my contraceptive pill for approx 8 months immediately.?

your probably fine. it might jsut be from have sex. thats happen to me past. in recent times dont stress out and you will procure your extent this month.

How to prevent a UTI??

Yes. You could be. If you want to natter more, message me. But if you are on the pill you should be fine. If you aren't afterwards yes you could be pregnant. Contact me via message and relate me if you are on the pill or not and I can assistance you out even more if you would close to. But your unease around the actual situation can produce stomach ache. I bring upset stomach after nervous/very stressful things going on. Which is everyday. Just consent to me know. Adia.

why are my nipples sore?

you may own a std

Can Cervical Cancer/HPV affect the flair to bring pregnant?

How behind the times are you? When you vote belly that could propose anywhere surrounded by your lower torso. You involve to be more specific and if you are worried roughly getting pregnant after you should be using birth control and if you don't know the difference between a stomach smarting, loose bowels, and pregnancy later I don`t know you should school yourself for a while back trecking into the great unknown of sexual intercourse. Pregnancy doesn't usually present itself as throbbing and the solely bit of your belly that will be effect is the member that upchucks for three months and the segment that grows progressively larger throughout the pregnancy.

is it okay to own inserted nuvaring ring back i get my interval?

See a doctor.
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