Low blood pressure?

i dont know a integral lot around blood pressure.
i weigh just about 115 and my blood pressure is 100/59
is that mundane my dad say it might be kinda low


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That is right more or less what my blood pressure typically is. Having somewhat low blood pressure runs in my household. It may be somewhat low but I don't deem it's anything to really verbs more or less. It's better for it to be low than for it to be high-ranking.

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the top number is regular, but the bottom number is benign of low, you might want to contact you doctor and ask for more information.

if you be..?

Thin general public who don't work out hold low blood pressure. If you be within shape your resting heart rate would be sophisticated.

HELP extent women individual plz!!?

I don't want to effect you any stress, but low blood pressure typically turns into soaring blood pressure following within life span (probably much later). You should in recent times be mindful of that and keep hold of an eye on it similar to every couple of months for the rest of your time. It is no problem for them to put you on pills to control it, it is lately call the "silent killer" so you inevitability to be aware of it if it does turn illustrious. For example, my mother have low BP her entire existence, and around her mid 50's it started becoming dignified BP.

The second number represents the pressure when your heart rests between beat. Having a low number here is honourable for your heart.

Just save an eye on it.
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