How often do you guys get your period?

once a month? twice a month? any symptoms approaching tender, cramps, crabby attitude, etc.?

Ladiiesz, iisz thiisz n0rmal?

once a month, something like 6 days, cramps, headache, in the order of 1-2 weeks beforehand i capture mood swings and sometimes food cravings depends really.

Any counsel??

once a month. For in the region of one week since I am irriatable, tired, and draw from the munchies.

Girls solitary?

Once a month, 4 days, cramps and I'm usually tired

I'm on birth control

After I work out I bring dull pain.?

once a month for me...i grasp cramps, headache, backache, mood swings, and I'm usually in a unpromising mood and remarkably sensitive and adjectives

sensitivity after breast augmentation?

4 times a afternoon and i get the impression similar to *

Shaving tips?

once a month.. and for a time bit of every entity... bitchy and adjectives.
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