Ladiiesz, iisz thiisz n0rmal?

juszt the 0ther day
when ii started my peri0d
ii wasz kiinda iitchy d0wn there
n0t iin the iinside
s0 n0 iits n0t a yeast iin fectii0n
0n the 0utsiide 0f the vagiina
but anywaysz
ii wasz weariing a pad
(((ii d0nt usze tamp0nsz)))
hasz any0ne eva enjoy a impulsive ar0und thier peri0d d0wn there
ii own VERY sensatiive skiin
ii enjoy eczema
s0 iit must be that
but iis thisz s0rmal t0 carry a rszh d0wn there
whiile 0n y0ur perii0d
cusz n0w iim n0t iitchy
and my 0bgyn diid transmit me ii own acne d0wn there

Need Help Event Coming up!?

It could be a little things, it is best to consult woth your doctor. You could be have a repercussion, it could be your eczema, or it could be something else. Best to construct sure.

good to get through while yeast infection?

Sorry, I don't speak Moron.

Period & PMS?

n0 iitz n0t n0rmal t0 type liike thiiz

I am pregnant and other fart. Did this occur to any of you?

I get a unwary only just from reading that workbook.
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