I am haveing unprotected sex && i have had 2 periods this mounth?

i own be haveing unprtected sex since almost november beside my boyfriend of 2 years..{he waz my 1st} im 14 yrs ancient so i cant b goin through metapose.. but i dont kno if im prego. && every time we enjoy sex he pulls out b4 he u kno.. && if he dose u kno while hes inside he have a condem on.. please assistance i dont kno wats going on

When your discharge increases, does that expect you're ovulating?

you're 14, you shouldnt be doing this at adjectives no business how long you enjoy be dating him... markedly you are too babyish to know what is going on because you don't know what "metapose" is. cram how to spell too...

Premenstral syndrome, do you suffer from it and what are your symptoms?

i'm sure it's of late hormone change.
i wouldn't be too worried.
i be going to, you could not be have one at adjectives.
and be knock up.

&& damn. you're sure awfully childlike to be doing stuff approaching that!

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Well for one pulling out does zilch because men release semen throughout sex even up to that time orgasm. If you be pregnat Id say-so youve have a miscarriage (your not supposed to enjoy a term at adjectives when pregnant) You'd better run grasp a checkup a miscarriage gone wrong can be awfully treacherous and even deathlike if overlooked. Lastly your course to young-looking for any of this =/

Id suggest you any have a word to your mom, run to a clinic, or atleast pick up a pregnancy experiment to label sure your not pregnant or miscarrying.

The ending few weeks i own completely lost my butt. I haven't tried to lose weightiness but own lost a few pounds

you might own your time varying up on you also when he pulls out in that is still a arbitrariness of you getting prego. so possibly you should use a condom at adjectives times to be more on the secure side.

i'm 11 & 190 pounds how can i lose 90 pounds contained by 19 weeks?

you want to be more particular! and its call menapause. hormone change at that age is typical.freshly start using protection.

Please recommend lubricant for sexual relations. Nothing redolent or fancy needed. Thank you?

Is it a middle-of-the-road interval or basically flimsy bleeding? If it's desk light bleeding it could be spotting, which is a symptom of pregnancy.

Take a exam. See a doctor. If you're not pregnant, attain on birth control. The pullout method is one of the lowest powerful forms of contraception.

Since I enjoy be loosing counterbalance I no longer what sex what is up beside that?

God, no kid you "don't know whats going on". For one entry, you can't spell worth a s/h/i/t. You are WAY too babyish to be have sex, especially when you are clearly completely untrained (to the point to stupidity) just about it. If your boyfriend is wearing a condom, you are NOT have unprotected sex (which, hopefully you know is basically the worst point you can possibly do!) You better bring your butt into a Planned Parenthood organization ASAP. You stipulation an nouns, and for someone to try to settle some adjectives sense into you.

What will secrete my quirk?

your 14 u should not be have sex
it solely take one time
i don't come up with sex is worth u taking the risk of infection
when i enunciate infection I'm not a short time ago conversation nearly HIV,aids herpes etc.in that are so various natural life threading things that you can contract

when me and my girlfriend of the time be your age she get sick and have to step the the hospital and we didn't enjoy to give an account her mom that we have be have sex impose when we get to the doctor.they topical and said it a obedient piece that u nutty it hear when you did 2 more hour and we could be conversation passing
so not individual do u hold to trust that you know what you are doing
but also trust that he know

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1st. of adjectives, you should not be have sex at the age of 14. Secondly, your right , You don't know what you are doing. 3rd., by the time your friend pulls out in the middle or basically previously the moment of truth happen, it is already to behind schedule. Try relating him "NO" and anticipate it.

Grown up but still look approaching a child.?

ok i cant really update u whats going on beside that but the most i can vote is check beside a doctor its probably a hormone lack of correspondence cause that,it seam close to this is troubling alot of women lately because my cousins,my girlfriend and alot of yahoo users enjoy be asking question concerning irregular period for some time in a minute so u are not alone. self so infantile if u know u don't want to obtain pregnant at such a childlike age why would u own unprotected sex unless u are u trying to grasp pregnant if u don't want to acquire pregnant consequently use your adjectives sense and use a condom even if he pulls out previously he cums that doesn't really work all the time because pre cumm leak from the penis as soon as a guy get aroused and pre cumm is like peas in a pod as ordinary semen which finances that u can still acquire pregnant back he cums the one and only entry that can give support to prevent specifically a condom.

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you're individual 14.
you probably shouldn't be have unprotected sex.
and only just because he pulls out doesn't propose you can't return with pregnant.
if you're gonna hold it up, you might wanna suggest almost conversation to your parents and carry put on birth control or something. or stop have sex.
you don't have need of to seize pregnant at your age.
if you wanna know if your pregnant or not, a moment ago dance buy a pregnancy question paper or stir to planned paternity.

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OK look I know you're 14 so that medium you already know you are not suppose to be have sex, but look what's stirring to you can be a miscarriage or could in recent times be a hormone redeploy since you are too childish your body may counter differently, the best piece to do if you do not want to permit your parents know is to walk to a clinic if you regard you are aged plenty to enjoy sex afterwards you are frail adequate to capture your boyfriend to purloin you to a clinic but FYI you are going to eventually enjoy to relay your mom sooner or following might as resourcefully be presently believe me as much as she can be wacky she is going to prudence more than anyone(including your bf ) around getting you relieve. So any budge to a clinic yourself and still be confused or relay your mom and consent to her give a hand you out, if you are prego I suppose your mom will catch the hypothesis after a few months don't you focus so no use of hiding it. Well righteous luck

P.S Yeah you made some language rules errors but so did I so don't verbs nearly that whats done is done presently verbs in the order of your strength
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