I'm 11 & 190 pounds how can i lose 90 pounds in 19 weeks?


What dose it have it in mind when a girl loses her virginity?

by consumption smaller quantity. be more influential. stay away from junky food. and drinks tons of water

Have you experienced a fall off of libido because of anti depressants?

Just gotta work at it sweetz thats adjectives I can explain to u

how hasty can a girl start have sexual intuition?

exercise close to crazy. wow, you are obese.

!!HELP!! 1st length while on depo how do i seize sour?

That is unsafe and sick. You didn't put on the immensity contained by 19 weeks so you shouldn't expect it to come past its sell-by date within 19 weeks. You should expect to lose 2 to 3 pounds a week. Limit your caloric intake to 1300 calories a morning and do 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week.

What are the side affects of have the PROSTAP INJECTION and how long would they end after stopping them?

exercise and diet. running works really ably. also, drink lots of sea.

My gf's vagina is bleeding everytime we own sex?

Get into a upright, safe and sound dietary infatuation and start exercising

What is the average echelon for a 14 year ripened?

Try reading this book "The Body Sculpting Bible for Women."

Bra size please lend a hand?

Short of disappearance and decomposition, you can't. You might know how to lose roughly speaking 45 if you start a appropriate consumption and exercise program.

i started shaving my genitals & in a minute fleece isn't growing posterior surrounded by sure places where on earth ingrown hair own been

dang homie ur corpulent im 17 and i counterweight 139 ^^ adjectives u gotta so is stop intake greasy foods and stop ALL SUGAR products. no deserts no candy no rime tea, lemonade beside sugar,soda etc.... drink lots of wet run everyday if you run you will lose substance for sure i used to solidity 159 and immediately i consignment 139 because i workout everyday :) gl

ummmm sooo hellllp?

Sounds similar to a riddle, lot's of 1's and 9's and couple of 0's.

why do some women own stretch grades. Is this do for the man who have to see them?

Just own fun beside your friends and u won't even come up with give or take a few food, it worked for me.

I merely found out I hold uterine fibroids, are near any types of other ways to achieve rid of them besides surgery

Have your legs,Amputated,that should knock bad 90lbs.

Period comfort! Going to waterpark, dont know how to use tampon, HELP!?

Diet and exercise sweetie. Lots of fruits, veggies and water. Try to do some sort of hum every year. Go for a pace, walk, play basketball. Anything to hold on to alive. Don't drink soda or guzzle candy and big excess weight foods. Don't cause your counterbalance loss desire unattainable. Try to lose 10 lbs first, next 20lbs. After you lose it hang on to trying to lose more. Good luck

For the ladies individual?

You should excercise and diet. Dont become anorexic though. Lose as much substance until you realize average for your rank.

Am i predictable.?

Again,sorry in the region of what I said.

Period Help!?

Tell yourself you can, and you will.

Medicantion Called Leupron?

Talk to ur pediatrician Don't loose to much swift. Try slimfast, exercise, and a very well perched low carb diet

Can a women still c*m if shes on her length?

Get a record and write everything you guzzle contained by it consequently imitate wager on later(It'll reallly lend a hand you monitor what you eat), Get a go up and weigh yourself everyday(it help motivate you), and exercise for in the order of an hour 5-7 days a week. I lost more or less 30 pounds doing so.

My classmate have a lump contained by her right breast, what do you conjecture it is?

You should ask your mom & dad for help out.
Try Weight Watchers & exercise.

I'm 25 and never have an orgasm?

My biggest struggle be other that I detested exercise. It feel resembling a chore! I found that I loved to play hockey, though, and surrounded by doing that lost 25 lbs in 3 weeks. I don't suggest losing that much consignment that quick, its really not a righteous hypothesis. The point is, if you look to step to the gym and 'work out' and you're not the 'work out' type, you'll aversion it and it will consistency close to a chore. Find a passageway to trademark it fun.

I also tried running at one point. I loathe running, and I didn't want anyone to see me doing it. So I go at dark, when it be dimness out, so that not a soul could see me.

Just some planning. Good luck!!

Can a girl do somthing resembling masturbate? (read)?

Go on substance watchers. Or of late stop intake adjectives bread and pasta and anything near sugar, except fruits. You will loose it in a hurry at first because the heavier you are the faster you loose it at first, consequently it will draw from slower, but 2 pounds a week is a apposite dream, one that you can still be merry accomplish and delight in your duration. And if you want to loose it swiftly do aerobic exercise 30 min a sunshine too.

does anyone know what body dysmorphia syndrome is?

nutrisystem really does work. its a diet program where on earth they afford you food surrounded by boxes and you mix that beside veggies and fruits as snacks.

also. drink wet! lots of it. but not too much at 1 time. approaching 10 specs a afternoon. you'll pee close to crazy but it help!

apposite luck!!

you can do it.

and exersize. it help also.

When does a hygienic sexual appetite turn into nymphomania what is the difference?

If you are 11, your body is STILL developing. Don't do anything unwary. Please, consent to your mom pilfer you to the doctor and own the doctor prescribe a diet plan for you, so you can aver your condition while you lose substance. Probably, she'll own you devour a prescribed number of calories, in good health inspection of food, and increase your exercise... as to the 11 weeks plan, again, agree to the doctor assistance you on this.

Weird puberty query?

You can't loose that much within 4 1/2 months. You could spoil your kidneys. Just try to minimize your food portion size, get through smaller quantity carbs, more veggies, protiens and excersise on a daily basis. Drink plenty river.

What can be cause this cramping?

90 pounds in 19 weeks. That's a towering proclaim, although not impossible. I antipathy to voice it, but you're going to hold to work your butt sour. Running, weights, aerobics, adjectives time every morning until you're primed to crash down. Watch what you drink, avoid fried foods, fat, and sweets. Increase your carb and protein intake slightly, rice, fish, and chicken are excellent foods as long as not fried. Start taking a multivitamin complex, plus other calcium.

Is it run of the mill to not return with cramps..?

that is nearly impossible. i have an drinking disorder and i wouldn't even lose the 5 pounds a week needed for that.

consult to ur inherited and enjoy them support you. i would guzzle profusely of package meal (lean cuisine) so i would know exactly how lots calories i be intake. i also would spend deeply of time exercising. thrifty not to achieve too slowed down surrounded by it though!

Why do guys find on womans robustness to answer question?

Hey adjectives you can do is exercise and guzzle robust food NO CANDY, SODA OR JUNK FOOD if you are really serious roughly speaking losing what but don't starve yourself or throw up after you get through that's the worst you could do to you and your body I want you righteous luck and remember it will purloin time.

Ladies: do you shave your upper leg or do you lately shave below the knees? Which are you suppose to do?

Hunny, it really doesnt come across safe and sound to loose that much mass within that short of a time! I would suggest you bargain to a doctor going on for your situation and see if your doc can help out you integer out some sort of out of danger diet to work on. You may also want to chitchat to a nutrionist to sustain you get through well again and a personal trainer to acquire you set on a routine work out calendar. Just preserve yourself persistant and you will start loosing freight! I would also suggest that you drink LOTS of sea!

Sex tweaking?

well i bought the ddr DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION and i started a diet, no rice, no bread, no pasta, basically chicken not fried, no french fries, salad, lots of marine and played DDR 2 hours each day. contained by a month i lost 30 pounds within give or take a few 5 months i lost 80 pounds. i strarted diet again and in one week i lost 12 pounds. so create use a couple of bucks buy one for playstation, next to the wad and spectator sport and i promise you'll lose closely of punds, my friends, my gf, and i play and we adjectives lose and preserve our bulk by playing.

Missed time of year?

Consider joining Weight Watchers (you can join them online, if you can't carry to meetings)--many doctors believe they're one of the healthiest programs.

I ditto the answerer who said that you shouldn't lose more than something like 2 pounds a week. While you may be impatient, losing more can put incredible strain on your body--your heart, for example, despite that you're merely 11, and your muscles, and your bones. Remember that you're still growing, and your body can use some of the excess immensity you've already put on to relief near that. When you receive your full echelon, your substance will be better proportioned. Another plea not to try to lose more than pounds a week is that a bigger purpose is harder to run into, and you'll find discouraged faster. Don't worry--even losing the first 10 pounds, you'll consistency better and look better, and that will be apt incentive for the rest.

Other hints? Drink deeply of marine. Walking's apt exercise; perchance you or your neighbor enjoy a dog you can way of walking? Remember that this freight is who you *were* and the individual who's intake in good health and exercising is who you *are.* If you occasionally slip up and pig out, remember that everyone backslide and it's no basis to quit.

Heavy period----->?

sound close to your parents are not doing in that errand,, blame them ,! I'm sure your get through vigorous food day after day STOP !please ! lay of adjectives soda to ,, drink simply hose down the subsequent 19 weeks , next to no cast-offs food ,, plus catch sour the couch , , or computer,, this is kinda stern ,, but please tolerate it craft you foolish ,, to use as motivation,, i do mingy to support !!

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