Does losing weight really make ur "chest" look smaller?

My friend said that she lost 15lbs and in a minute she think her boobs r smaller...does that really come to pass?

Is near any food that will brand name your boobs bigger?

Yup, surrounded by certainty, it's be scientifically shown that breasts are one of the first places mass is lost. Why? My guess: biologically, you don't "need" it...

I am pregnant will this injure?

well if you gain substance your boobs carry bigger because in attendance's more lubricant... but if you lose solidity I guess you would lose the margarine at hand too...

blisters on the tounge every month!!?

Yep... at hand are lasting places on your body that loose consignment earlier anywhere else, and your boobs supposedly are one of those places. Wouldn't it be great if we could recount our body exactly where on earth we required the lost weightiness to come from!

Am i not low plenty?

Everyone puts on and take sour solidity within different places, but to be exact emphatically something that happen.

My breast hurts,what's wrong?

she probably merely have more stout surrounded by her boobs afterwards within other areas and thats what go away

I'm getting my tubes tied on Friday. How much aching am I?

If you lose weightiness as all right as hefty tissue, next yes, your breasts will in truth become and appear smaller because breasts are made of fatty tissue.

Do you girls resembling it when guys hold pubes or none at adjectives?

some women lose bulk on the breast first so for those women losing 15 pounds could exchange the size or her chest
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