For girls only please.. Why does it hurt so much during sex?

No I dont hold a disease or anything approaching that,and i'm pretty on top form as far as anything else, nearly 3 years ago it started to hurt drastically weakly to own sex, it didnt beforehand that, not even the first time, but very soon it does, so much that i of late give up on it, dont precision for it, can live lacking it. Has this happen to anyone and if so did you dance the doctors? what could it be? No i'm not stressed during sex or not "into" it.

What would transpire if a feminine took womanly hormone/Estrogen pills?

I'm going through menopause, and this is arranged to me when I go to gyno he said my vagina be thinning from menopause and dry.Although I did not have a feeling dry.So he put me on vagem or something its an applicator beside for a time tablet at the failure that you put within.I feel better contained by give or take a few 2 months.Good Luck.This is call atrophy vagina.

Is it true that when a girl get married that her breasts gain bigger?

It would simply product sense to ask a gyno.

why a girl grow faster later a boy ?

Go to any store and buy a lubricant and see if this help.

Could this be a spell?

You should progress to your gynocologist. You will necessitate to describe the type of pain/discomfort. It could be dryness, a cyst.any number of things. But you should never be afaid of discussing these things next to your doctor. It it not "normal" (although it may materialize for frequent women) and you should find the motivation.

Cramps are for women simply?

nah, and you should not permit your mate dog your body because it will hurt and cause your tubes to be infected adjectives the time,but you should hope guidance from your doctor because it could be something serious.

Can you put rotten your period for sooner or later?

unless he is huge (not trying to be funny) consequently you really want to see a dr it can be alot of things i enjoy never have this problem but i enjoy hear more or less it and you stipulation to see your dr. it doesnt be a sign of you hold a disease or anything approaching that it a moment ago manner you entail to be cheked out and see what you can do to aid.. the singular other point i can suggest is to create sure that you are lubricated during sex conceivably thats it...

it could be a cyst on your overies i hold asked around next to a few friends and explicitly what we conjecture it could be you really entail to dance see your gyno soon this could be something serious. treat it very soon in the past it turns into somthing you cant cure... dutiful luck sweetie best wishes

What is it that exactly pops when your cherry pops?

that happen to my buddy contained by edmonton, turns out she have a cyst growing and have to enjoy it taken out, please move about see your Dr.

Does individual overweight downsize the usefulness of the combined contraceptive pill? If so by how much?

I would definitly see a doctor. There could be something wrong.

ok not individual do i enjoy headache everyday but i hold niggle contained by the sides of my stomac?

Endometriosis can incentive misery during intercourse. Another symptom of endometriosis is sensitive menstrual period. Endometriosis is a progressive disease, which might explain why you didn't other own raw intercourse. Also, an ovarian cyst can raison d`??tre spasm during intercourse. Call your gyne. organization and relate them going on for this problem.

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