New guy have have 41 sex partner? any suggestion.?

I need guidance from ADULT males, females. no nonsense please. i'm surrounded by my late 20s' - i'm a virgin (I lived a sheltered natural life okay, LOL) and this guy is my first real dating experience, bf -he's 25. He seem like a great guy overall. But he explain to me he has have 41 sex partners (14 merely give him oral). Now surrounded by his defense he's an above average lookin' male, college learned, and lived in Vegas for almost 3 years and have wild experiences (including a 3some him and 2 females); he have been trial for STD's. He's been trustworthy far as I know . But he say I'm being unwarranted by judging him for his previous and alot of young guys today "sew their rainy oats" in different ways. He says he have been settled down and requests to get married soon, and I would read his past better if I have more dating experience with guys, etc. I'm uneasy if i should try and pursue a long term article, lose virginity, and even marry him (not gettin' any younger)? Any advice on how to

Answers:    i would articulate that a guy with that tons partners is a bit risky. Just because he have been tested does not have it in mind that he is clean. some give somebody a lift a while to show (like AIDS). No, you would not understand his former if you had more dating experience. That is a string of bull. I have plenty of dating experience, and i don't deduce it! LOL

Here is a fool-proof way to know if he is serious around you and not just trying to fastener a virgin - tell him you will grasp serious with him but will not hold sex with him for one full year. If he care about you he will sway around and try to make it. If he is freshly a man whore, he will be gone by Easter. Bottom line, it won't bear long for him to show his true colors!

And.. if you have held your virginity this long, here is no reason for you to pass it up to him, especially this soon. The fact that you said (not gettin' any younger) tell me that you are subconciously considering SETTLING for him, just contained by case at hand isn't another guy in your adjectives. NO ONE should EVER settle. You don't marry a man you can live with. You marry the one you can't live lacking.
i think that he wishes to be tested before you do anything. std's are a forever point Well,u should talk roughly stds!
That's a lot of "miles" for anyone.
But I don`t know he's over the running around and he could be a good steady partner. I regard you my have the wrong guy to spend the rest of your vivacity with. Trustworthy or not, a guy who's have that many sexual partner, is not the forever kind of guy, I dated one approaching that and it ended severely badly.
Sweetie i chew over i would be very guarded with him and if you do own sex on day near him please use protections Aids and hepatitis c which can be Gaven to others thru blood or semin' and can not show for years somtimes,I think i would a moment ago be friends with him as you obligation to think what be wrong and why did he have so copious sexual partners.I in recent times had a friend who be a virgin and married a man who was somewhat approaching this man.They lasted 2 weeks as he have to have more than one women as he be addicted to sex .You seem resembling a nice young female so take your time you won't regret it. ...It's more than a short time creepy that he's *counted* every sexual encounter he's every had and that he know to the T how many hold "just" gone down on him. Don't you think that's a tad...peculiar? Especially seeing as how he's *told* you this... Weird.

Anyway, it shouldn't matter how tons people he's have sex with or how "experienced" he is or "inexperienced" you are. If you love the guy (or at least possible have true vibrations for him) and can see yourself settling down with him for an extended amount of time (don't carry married one day and divorce the next), consequently go for it if the emotion is mutual. He sounds like a fully clad guy, but only you would know that.

Go near your gut. It never fails. Do you love the guy or not?
Well, to be exact a major difference between you two, both physical and moral, and the moral difference seem like it will be more of a problem than how several partners he's have. I personally never ask a guy just about his sexual past, I don't want to know, and it doesn't affect my relationship near him at the present time. I don't share my past beside anyone either. I can let somebody know you that at 25, that's a lot of women that he's be with--not unheard of, but it's many more than the norm. What are you faint-hearted about? His former? His past can't hurt you if he's disease-free, child-free, and issue-free. From an elder (retirement age) man's viewpoint:

Say bye-bye. Unless you're the most disagreeable woman on Earth, you can do better. If you're bashful, trust your instincts. The right guy will, in my deferred mother's words, "feel resembling an old shoe" - comfortable. If you hold doubts, there's a reason.
Hard to answer that one. My reaction:
1) you're still pretty young.
2) he's younger than you are. that might give the impression of being okay, now, but subsequent?
3) his experience level (41??) raise a flag, all by itself.
4) He's be keeping count? Is he after higher numbers? (41+you=42)
5) Is he addicted to unmarked partners? (42 + ?)
6) Why did he describe you in the first place? Was he bragging?
Can you live near being forever "number 42"?

There are plenty of wonderful guys within the world who haven't had more sex partner than Baskin Robbins has rime cream flavors.

I don't think anyone who would boast of have had threesomes and partly a hundred or so sex partners can be trusted to swing and suddenly be respectful of and faithful to one woman.

I would also not trust one word of what he say about one clean of STD's. Of course he's going to claim he's verbs whether he is or not.

I'd walk away. He's trouble.
Sometimes general public can't help that the populace they encounter and have sex near don't want to have a relationship. SO I don`t know, the fact is that he hasn't have sex with these society more than once or twice for each human being, as int hey didn't want to have a relationship next to him, so therefore he continued to bump into othe rpeople and have sexual encounter with them. Over 3 years or more 41 isn't that tons, think of it that style, that means he wasn't necessarily have sex once a week! Many people own a high sex drive and purely need to progress out and have sex, so I wouldn't hold it against him, especially since he's be tested. The most important chunk of this, is whether you're going to feel insecure nearly the fact that he have been next to many other family, will you psychologically be able to get hold of past this, and adopt that this doesn't make him who he is as a personality, and you can't judge him as a personality solely on the basis that he have had so several sex partners. There is profusely more to a person that that, and possibly you are the woman who will finally accept him for who he is, and he won't entail any more sex partners, because he will enjoy you.
Think about whether you want this relationship surrounded by terms of other aspects, will he be a nice human being to you, will he treat you respectfully, and can he love you. This is what you need to focus on more. Good luck next to your decision, it is ultimately up to you, not the ethnic group on here, if you are ok with it, later go for it !

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