How to get rid of bacne scars?

please i necessitate oblige, i despise wearing reservoir tops and stuff, because the acne on my rear legs have gone scar, my in the dark brother be close to what happen it looks similar to your hindmost be ate! please i obligation to take rid of this, i know it will run time and not jump away surrounded by 3 days, also i call for oblige next to curing and PREVENTING it! gratitude! i am also african american!

Im 30 weeks pregnant..i obligation serve please!! abet!!?

Bio-oil is REALLY fitting at getting rid of scar. It can purloin a few weeks to capture working, but it's great stuff. My daughter uses it for exema (sp?!) scar on her legs, and it really help.
Hope you find your answer.

Did you bleed after your pap?

NOTHING will put together scar jump away. Live next to it!

I involve info in the region of period after a miscarriage!?

Take protection of the skin on your rear legs like peas in a pod process you would your frontage. Gentle cleanser, toner, grease free moisturizer, spot treatment.

Just pay attention beside the spot treatments that contain benzoyl peroxide because it can bleach clothing. If you involve to use it lower than clothing, wear one and only white tops when you use it!

i sweat plentifully?

I'm not clich?? you should try this, but when I be going on for 14 I have scar on my hindmost from acne...afterwards when on leave at the coast i get a impossible sunburn and after my skin peal I have no more scar. I didn't do this intentional, but hey, it worked!

How behind time can your term be because of stress?

you can try a body scrub resembling neutragena. use that day after day when showering. accurate luck
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