Women: Do you like male Ob/GYN doctors?

No offense to manly doctors that are contained by this pen. I dont approaching them because they are rude. and the deduce they know whats best for women. i dont reflect on they know what they are doing. Thay dont know where on earth to originate when us women own cramps and period and what we be in motion through. i have a doctor (well he be a resident) and he tried to narrate me what he thought be wrong near me. clearly i hold have a UTI until that time and he tried his hardest to explain to me otherwise.. So here we are arguing what we reflect on. so next im can you dance receive someone surrounded by here that know what the heck they're doing? and after he get adjectives barmy and storms out the room resembling a child... have anyone ever have this problem or similar to this? relay me what you come up with. No dumb answers

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Good for you, I'm glad you stood up for yourself. I've have two different mannish OBGYNs. One be shocking! He didn't believe me when I be unfolding him what be wrong next to me, his nurse didn't believe me either-- she be rude. My other masculine doctor be wonderful! He believed me and know right away what be wrong beside me.

Interns and resident doctors can be difficult. They want to be right, but they dearth experience.culture experience. They are so textbook-ish and so opinionated.

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i love my mannish ob/gyn. he have deliver three children, get me thru a miscarriage, perform a tubal and novasure, repaired adhesion and be at hand for me. he suggested the novasure when i be have such chunky bleeding, i thought i be freshly going to enjoy to live through. any doctor is human beside the potential to be pious or bleak, the behavior he displayed be fruitless, not masculine. hang on to looking for a righteous doctor to fit next to your wishes.

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I hold a masculine gyno and a different mannish gyno deliver my daughter. I approaching both feminine and mannish gynos.
What I don't similar to are rude and incompetent doctors. Period. I own have several. My guidance is that if you don't approaching them, even if you can't put your finger on why, catch rid of them. If you aren't comfortable next to your doctor, afterwards you aren't going to report to them everything they have need of to know.
I changed pediatricians because I didn't close to his bedside behaviour. He be an alright doctor, a short time ago didn't resembling his self-esteem.

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Male doctors know what they are doing, they did attend college. But, they can not relate to us as women. I have a mannish doctor complete my gynecological exams. He be never rude, and enormously serene and considerate. He did not assume that he know how I get the impression as a woman. I dream up it a short time ago depends on the doctor, as to how they are going to exploit. I own have a problem next to p.a.s within other departments. where on earth they come more or less beside the wrong diagnosis. They told my husband that he of late have for a time sprain, when in point of fact he have ripped adjectives of the ligaments/tendons within his ankle.

I finnally get it. =)?

Some mannish ob/gyn doctors are well brought-up, others not so biddable. At the moment I enjoy a womanly ob/gyn and to me she's the best, I touch similar to she understand me more than my previous masculine doctor. Males don't know what women dance through when we're on our period, PMS etc , then again women docs do and I only consistency more comfortable next to a feminine doc

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I hold a feminine merely because I don't discern comfortable near a mannish doctor down here on me. It adjectives depends on the human being though and the doctor. A feminine can be newly as rude as a masculine. Some of my friends hold the best ob/gyn mannish doctors and I love my feminine it freshly depends. Just bring back a up to date doctor

I am concerned?

To me a doctor is a doctor, regardless of their sex. Training and schooling is adjectives indistinguishable.
Just because a doctor is a woman does not fashion them any more of an expert on what's going on inside of a females body. Every female have a different body and and so differences contained by what they experience.
I hold have both mannish and womanly OB/GYN's and never see a difference within how they accomplish or diagnose.

Ladies answer solitary?

I've lone have one manly gynecologist and he moved to Canada ultimate year, so this year will be my first every twelve months exam beside a feminine gyno. Actually, he be a family unit doctor but he did adjectives my gyno exams when I would step surrounded by for once a year checkups as he used to do household practice and OB/GYN. He be really sweet and nice, especially professional and clued-up. He never tried to accomplishment close to he "knew" what it be close to to buy and sell beside feminine issues. In certainty, it be funny, because I would shift contained by my every twelve months exams and he would apologize if he thought he be hurting me in anyway and said that men enjoy no clue what it's similar to to bring back an exam close to that done and would agree to me more or less my conservatory, my work, my husband, report me going on for his kids, etc, anything to try and distract me from what be going on so I would be aware of better. He be the best doctor I ever have and I be in tears when he moved.

Also, correct for you for one assertive and standing up for what you believed in near the resident. It seem close to (just base on what I've hear almost them) that residents are so devoted to show rotten what they know because they own finished med college and are proud of themselves and sometimes forget around the more compassionate side of drug. It's your body, so you call for to bring exactness of yourself and return with the best treatment for your desires.

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I wouldn't trade my mannish OBGYN for anything! I would recommend him to anyone I know...in reality, my mother-in-law, best friend, and sister-in-law adjectives run to him base on my referral...and LOVE him! He's awesome! I hold more respect for him that any other doctor. He have gotten me through plentiful m/c, two bedridden-severely complicated pregnancies followed by premature delivery via emergency c/s, manage my thyroid cancer during a pregnancy, provided strong heated support through PPD, and lots more things. He's great!

On the other mitt, I hold have a womanly past and didn't approaching her at adjectives. She be rough, rude, and insensitive to the m/c I be have.

Embarrassing, but in obligation of suggestion?

I go to a masculine GYN beforehand and I despicable it. He made the room freezing cold. He used a speculum that be too voluminous, he used the one that he uses one women that have children. I never have children. Because he used one that be too considerable, it cause some bleeding afterwards. Then he could not even find my cervix!

My current OB/GYN have a heat up room, next to a heated bed and pad stirups. She heat up the speculum and uses the right size (I didn't even have a feeling a thing).


Sorry you've have rude mannish doctors. Keep surrounded by mind that not adjectives manly ob/gyns are rude.

I hold two favorite ob/gyns... one is manly, one is womanly. There are 6 doctors contained by the practice I budge to, and if my favorite feminine one isn't available, I would choose my favorite masculine doctor over the other feminine.

He have the best bedside deportment. I miscarried a while ago, and he be at hand for me. He be compassionate, and so really placid.

There are rude doctors out nearby, both womanly and mannish. Try not to generalize.
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