Is this unusual...?

ok my mate was telling me that when she have sex for the first time it really really hurt and that she bleed a little. She said that it hurt and that she bleed for about the subsequent 4 times she had sex. She then said after around the 5th time she had sex there be no bleeding or pain. Is that normal? Why did she keep hold of bleeding did her hymen thingy grow back or something?

Pain near my IUD. I own have my IUD for a while in a minute, almost a year I regard as.?

Hymen thingies do not grow back.

I hold bin spot bleeding for 9 days presently. what does this be going to?

its normal- her body purely took a while to get used to it. also, if she wasn't wet adequate that probably had a lot to do beside it. with youre first couple times youre probably so nervous and anxious that your not as drizzling as you ideally should be. for me, it hurt until i met the boyfriend i have now i reason b/c he took so much time in making sure i was realaxed and turned on and we wait until we were ready to turn there in the relationship.

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no when you first break the hymen, if you enjoy sex after that... there may not be enough mark tissue developed yet, therefore making it bleed and hurt. the fifth time the tissue be probably whole and healed which is why it didnt hurt or bleed.

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Her hymen didn't grow subsidise. It's just that the first few times, it did not pop all the method. If she didn't feel pain a few days after the sex, she should be fine. Don't sweat it.

GIRLS ONLY: I own have 3 period and they hold adjectives last 14 days exactly..?

it is middle-of-the-road and no it didnt "grow" back it is different for every girl

Thick, brown-black vaginal disharge?

this i posibly becuase the muscles down tere ha never been used bu dont worrie becuase it dose seize much better. but if u use a dildo befor having sexit loosens up the muscles. xx

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its normal
when my girlfriend and i have sex it was about impossible to tell apart

For the woman out near?

no its normal that happend to me..
the vaginal opening stretches.. but it take time for it to stretch and she wasnt used to it thatas all

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