I slept with my step-brother..found out today that i'm pregnant...?

i'm a 17 yr behind the times girl. i live next to my dad, step-mom step-bro and a half-bro. i know it be wrong but i have an incestuous relationship beside my step-brotherwho's 18. adjectives our childhood we'd be arguing on the silliest of things and it be the flawless recipe for a step-bro step-sis story. but second yr adjectives equations changed. i know it be and is wrong but we nice of started this affair. we are not blood relations.still i know it be wrong. he's the first guy i've be this close to and i've be awareness queer for a week and today morning i found that i'm pregnant. what do i do? how can i facade my parents? how do i explain it to them? please lend a hand me..i'm really contained by a muddle. what do i do?


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that's tough.

I don't really know the answer to your press...but own you told your step-brother however? He wants to know, and next conceivably he can back you when you bargain to your parents.

Good luck though.

PS. I come spinal column and saw that someone advise you to impart the child up, so I have to cut this.

NO!! Do not provide away your tot if you don't want to. You will regret it! A babe-in-arms requirements the love of BOTH its parents, whether they are step-brother and step-sister or not. If you estimate more or less it, it is merely the certainty that your parents are married that cause any problem...palpably I am not truism that they involve to break up, but it shouldn't really situation that you're have his infant.
AND abortion is morally WRONG! I can't believe family are suggesting it! How can you possibly condone the murder of a completely innocent child?!

Anyway, doesn`t matter what your declaration is, I hope it's right for you..and once again, honourable luck.

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You requirement to convey them right away and to free any wearing clothes adjectives you hold surrounded by store you entail to furnish the child up for adoption. The child if kept will be surrounded by the middle of a mess and Imay not be capable of live in general. You should own be more responsible! In today's day and age it is a short time ago stupid to sleep near someone and no tbe protected.

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First consult a gyne and see if he/she can do something. Or otherwise you enjoy no way out to bring up to date your parents. How long can you pelt this?

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i dont devise at hand is anything wrong near that ;genetically BUT the reality that your parents are married to respectively other make it unpromising. i presume you involve to suggest around the consequences that have that infant might hold on your unharmed kinfolk. i cogitate you inevitability to stop what you are doing, however "right" it might discern and start erudition that when you consistency that something is wrong after it probably IS

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lucky guy, uhm economically 1)he or you should of be wearing a condom 2)abortion 3) seize away from him previously your relationship get too low.
thats the best guidance i can grant you.

y is this so?

poor you,

first of adjectives, you call for to bring up to date the father.
discuss it near him, up to that time describing your parents, they will be undrrstanding
you should also jump and see your GP, and perchance devise roughly speaking abortion, or, ultimately, adoption. gossip you your clan very soon, and consider rugged around what you're going to do.

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shame on you!...ok...sorry for person rude.but u enjoy to obverse it. its ur mistake.adopt it(it might not be gud 4 ur health) or keep hold of it.speak about ur parents

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I hope this have qualified you not do this again. This should be the commencement of wise saying "NO." And description it. If not, you are going to be in greatly of trouble.
I can't notify you what to do beside the toddler, but I hope you don't endow with it away or abort it. Both, would be cruel.

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If this be me, I would relate my step mother something like this- if you enjoy a angelic relationship near her, she may know how to guide you surrounded by the right direction and possibly sermon to your father just about it. If you dance to your father, probability are because he is "YOUR DAD" dads tend to turn stale when their daughter get pregnant at an impulsive age- not married etc.. and smaller quantity empathy in the order of it much smaller quantity the certainty that the father is your step brother.

As for giving up the child, for me, this would not be an prospect because you will other wonder- and going through 9 months of pregnancy next appendage it over to someone else, mentally this will pose uncontrolled stress which you will get through the rest of your duration.
Talk to your step mother- prior to recitation her ask that she please listen and try to fathom out what you are roughly to bring up to date her, that you consistency alone and necessitate some guidence through this. (moral support).

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ok thats only just callous

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Pl. be in motion for abortion do not stoppage.

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at smallest the father can do a runner and voice that he doesnt want the responsibility! reach a deal in the order of keeping it in the clan!

you hold several option, you can hang on to the infant however wierd that may be for the child growing up, he/she will own indistinguishable ability of go as any other infant as you are not blood relations and it will still own 2 sets of grandparents etc. you could abort and youir parents would never know, this is what i did when i get pregnant at 17, sure i regret it sometimes but later i reckon roughly the duration i may own have and it seem that it be the best decree i ever made (regardless of how cold that sounds - it's true) however, i still attain upset over it after adjectives it is a existence growing inside you. adoption is another option if you want to progress down that route. intuitively i assume that would be far more traumatice than abortion as you've in reality held the child. zilch can help yourself to that picture away and it will blemish you mentally for vivacity. communicate your step bro first and you can work out together how you will enlighten your parents if you want to hang on to it, abort, adopt out.

given the oppurtunity to walk pay for surrounded by time self hold still gone through beside the abortion because it be right for me at the time, i have no money, considered necessary to finish my childhood, and my bf be incredibly impertinent. you may quality extraordinarily differently to how i did and you may love your step bro. expect nearly it vigilantly and make conversation it through together so you enjoy his view and things you may not hold thought in the region of.

hope this be of some abet and comfort, if you want any info of late email me and i will capture backbone to you ASAP.

is this grotesque?

ummm..first off- eww
second- parley to him. does he know? the both of u should narrate ur parents together...

Good Luck

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You call for to be capable of physically sit down near someone you trust and can discuss to. I know you stipulation a hug right very soon. First of adjectives, build sure the examination be correct. Almost every city have a pregnacy give support to center. Go nearby and agree to them go back over the try-out. These places hold citizens who are truly TRAINED to traffic next to situations similar to yours. They will own information and suggestion roughly speaking conversation next to your domestic. I deduce that would be the best place for you to shift right very soon, communicate next to them first. I promise, these ethnic group will assist you. Good luck to you honey, I really desire I coudl contribute you hug right presently. Hang within in that!

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Ok, human being beside a step sibling isnt incest.
If it make you be aware of any better, when my ex-stepbrother and I first met, our parents have lately gotten rear together (they'd be unavailable 20 years before) and he and I lately fell over respectively other. He be 2 years younger than me.
We didn't transmit anyone until months after they be married, and even after his mother died 11 months after that, we continued a relationship for another year until his grandparents (stepmothers parents) be competent to try to hold me arrested and chock-full his person in charge beside horrible things roughly speaking me.
That's lately letting you know you're not some freak...and I know others who hold done it as capably.
As far as pregnancy go, that's difficult to put in the picture parents anyway. You are 17, so it's not some HUGE concordat. Does your stepbrother know? I don't know what your stance is on pro-choice issues, but call on a PlannedParenthood and speak to someone within more or less how to have a word to your parents. They are incredibly experienced :-)

OMG that's so odd...the poster below me...my stepmother's entitle be Penny...she be amazing when she found out more or less me and her son...she needed it to stay that approach, and the darkness she died...on their style out to devour (she choked) she said to my dad she would love for me to be her authentic daughter contained by ruling sooner or later. :'-(

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First of adjectives it's not incestuous, step brothers and sisters hold no blood relation whatsover. So reasonably you could marry him! If it be your half-brother or brother, that would be incestuous.

Best entry to do is dont generate any hasty decision until you've spoken to your step-bro roughly it, and you've come to lingo near the shock of it adjectives. Give it a few days at lowest, so you can agree to yourself settle from the shock.

If you do opt to explain to your parents, receive sure he accompany you. Dont sit in attendance and shoulder adjectives the responsibility yourself. It's partially his, partially yours, so generate sure he supports you beside doesn`t matter what you wish to do.

As far as explaining is concerned, merely be straight beside them and read out 'this happen, that happen, and very soon this is the result, very soon where on earth do we travel from here'. Of course they will be shocked at first, but they too will settle and be capable of steer you on a commonsensical course.

Sorry in the order of your predicament. I dont see any point in standing over you beside a big stick and pointing fingers at you and calling you name. So cause the best of this unpromising situation, and swot up and grow as much as you can from it.

Best wishes, Penny xxx

i haven't have my term since nov. i own be fell these little spasm approaching things lately?

Have an abortion, and afterwards a short time ago forget give or take a few it.

i already have my time of year this month, but i am getting a brown blood discharge, any info?

All I enjoy to supply is I'm glad as hell your brother never wore a rubber [what's this condom crap ? you family slang adjectives the other words]. For such a close, loving relationship, that be the right hail as. Skin to skin is the ONLY method anyhow. Further, you 2 know this child be conceived contained by love. Rubbers are for untrained ancestors who don't know how to blind & don't really fastidiousness. There are oodles other positive points to be discovered as powerfully. For 1, conceiving a fetus through a [semi] incestuous relationship lessen the complexity of the gestation spell & beyond because adjectives the details are in your instant family circle. Involving others is entirely your edict.

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Go to a doctor to confirm you are pregnant - check out Planned Parenthood if you don't want to move about to your regular doctor.

It's usual that you would own state of mind for your step-bro as you grew up next to him and he's showing you attention and affection. However, why in the world wouldn't any of you used protection? That's besides the point presently.

You also call for to detail him, as soon as possible. Then settle on what your option are and weather or not you are going to report to your parents. Good luck to you.

Question roughly largeness?

what is wrong next to you nation abortion draw from rid of it so what here is no blood contained by the relations go away it to her i wouldnt verbs more or less it theres no relation with the sole purpose by matrimonial resign from her alone. everyone look at it this. road speak you be within love next to someone and afterwards your mum. married his dad are you going to contribute your love up because. of that when yous be within love first if you. do your not really within love i enunciate walk for it enjoy your toddler convey your folks who care what they influence anyway everything method you go
well-mannered luck

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if i be you self return with an abortion...but thats me...if your going to hold on to it.you own to give an account general public.they will be cool.
dont verbs...step brother is NOT incest.thats adjectives cool. Its more resembling a righteous mate, so its perfect its him and not some shady .
pious luck
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