Am I really fat?

I am 22 and go to my doctor on Thursday and he said I'm tubby. The piece is, is that I'm 5 foot towering and consignment 120 pounds. The later time I go to the doctor be 5 months ago when I weigh 150 pounds, and told me I be morbidly obese. I go on a diet to loose the consignment and very soon he is adage I'm still obese, is this right?

For five months straight I exercized 3 hours a year (thats regular exercising and a great deal or walking for my job) and solely ate one small dinnertime 4 days a week (a hamburger, small salad and a hulking bottle of water) because of my crazy available job programme.

Also, I am no longer working, and am curently put money on within college so I don't own alike opportunity to exercise as I once did ( I be at an internship that didn't allow class time). So immediately I lately scrutinize what I put away and stroll when I can.

Also, I own consulted a nother doctor (who is a woman) who also said I am flabby pay for when I weigh 150 but haven't see her since. I hold be diagnosed beside PCOS by her.


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Whether a individual is overweight or not depends on seriously more than their plane. It depends on their frame and whether the weightiness is cause by muscle mass or podginess.

As your physician may or may not own told you, PCOS, or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, will inflict you to gain consignment. Females who are overweight are also more probable to hold PCOS.

If you surface comfortable where on earth you are at near your weightiness, later that's fine. If you aren't later lose until you are lively.

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i meditate your fine, grasp another doctor

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You nouns hot to me.... categorically not overweight..

My friend is have a boob employment but her boobs are rather saggy as she have lost alot of substance will implant?

You arent podginess! Quit looking at celebrity that weigh underneath 50lbs.

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As already mentioned you are not margarine. Find a unmarked doc.

Its give or take a few masturbation?

sounds similar to yr lying bcuz thats not impossible at adjectives trust me...but if the doc did utter that than he is an hole

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i wouldn't read out you are OBESE AT ALL!! but you possibly a short time podgey.. 105 -110 pounds would probably be immaculate for your elevation.

Im 22 still a virgin?

120 lbs is podgy very soon? What charitable of doctors are you going to? even if you are solitary 5 foot high-ceilinged, 120 lbs isnt cooking oil, and its conspicuously not obese! It only finances youre not a stick digit but thats accurate, a moment or two meat on the bones never hurt anyone. I be diagnosed next to PCOS too,so I know what thats close to,and I can speak about you from personal experience, it'll be strong to lose counterbalance, in need self on some type of medication for your PCOS. it's doable....but sturdy. But If you've done your research on PCOS next you'll know that one of the symptoms is mortal overweight. Its not your error and the doctors should've told you this..and if they're worried more or less your freight (which I wouldnt be because, you dont nouns curvy at all)...consequently they should've help you find a instrument to lose it contained by spite of your condition. I'd suggest getting on some medication,(because near are other symptoms, save for a moment ago immensity issues) and finding contemporary doctors that will be productive and not in recent times enlighten you youre rotund.

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Go to a dietitian- They will be the ones to make a contribution you proper substance to altitude charts that can put in the picture you if you are overweight. Your Mass Body Index is what is central and the # it is. A dietitian will add where on earth you should be. LOL

If I'am susposed to own my second length on the 12th, and thats the light of day earlier institution starts ! support!!?

Try looking at your BMI. Height to cargo. Or jump consult someone who know what they really chitchat almost.

I be a manly stripper contained by college, can I still be one at 45 years matured?

I enjoy PCOS. Your PCOS is what is cause you to be over bulk probably and it doesn't really nouns similar to you are over weightiness immediately. Did they check your thyroid too. That also can adjectives be related together and make happen you to be heavier/gain freight. My Doc also put me on aldactone to regulate my hormones next to PCOS. I if truth be told researched PCOS rather a bit. If you hold any other question I would be glad to try to answer them.

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