Have I get thrush/yeast infection?

It started out a few days ago with a tiny pain within my clitoris, it felt like a splinter or sharp tresses had gotten in and be irritating it. It's gradually got worse, yesterday I notice I was quite red and swollen, and today I'm itching similar to MAD. In the past 2 hours it's suddenly got so much worse and feel like it's spread down to the opening. Is this thrush/yeast infection? How can I relieve the itching? I'm totally stressed and run down at the moment and fighting strep throat, so I heard this things can up your probability of getting it.

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You need to get yourself to a pharmacy and receive some cream and a pessary tablet (for internal use, not to be taken orally) . Or go and see your doc and ask them to recommend one you can use.
Wear 100% cotton panties and wear a skirt instead of pants only now. It will make it more comfortable.

Cranberry liquid and pro biotic yogurts can prevent yeast infections from occurring. They commonly happen if you have only just come off a course of antibiotics. This is when it happened to me.

I took a home pregnancy exam and it come put a bet on unenthusiastic. But i havent have my spell surrounded by 2weeks. What's wrong?


It clearly sounds like a yeast infection.

Yeast infections are so common its ridiculous and they other seem to come at the worse times. I had it for 6 months at one point which be a real low point and I hated the theory of using all those chemicals so I did some research on the internet and found one particular website so adjectives since it was completely natural!

In my experience it have been the only entity that got rid of my infection for good!
If you want to bequeath it a try you can find it at http://www.QuickYeastInfectionCure.com

Good luck hun!

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a yeast infection mostly occurs from an over abundance of yeast which grows within moist damp areas most likely inside of your vagina. if your clitoris is itching, and theres reddishness, for the time being, you should try sitting in a melt sitz bath with a bit of lavendar grease (to ease the itching). then i would unequivocally see a dr.

Sign of Pregnancy?

All advice given is good, see a doctor, but know that inserting a peel clove or garlic really does combat yeast infections very effectivly. Even if your doctor shurgs and says it's an ripened wives tale or something, it works. Eating lots of garlic is helpful too.

Sore underarms?

I recommend you to call in a phisician's forum, called wortix.com., there you'll know how to ask this issue, it seems to be very serious, remember wortix.com

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sounds approaching one
you can buy over the counter meds for this

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You should definitely go see your doctors.

I'm 14 year ripened girl and I involve some masturbation tips/help.?

You requirement to see your doctor. Until then, eat a container of yogurt day after day and drink plenty of water.

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