Random orgasms?
Life is really stressful right immediately..how can I build it better?
Well you are a lucky lucky girl. Enjoy itWhat's it approaching to be on a time of year?
Its either a gift or a curse.. ego rather have my gf orgasm from a roller coaster. because after i could buy her a season pass to six flags and theres no risk of pregnancy there. Much cheaper than a kid.It be the pressure of the rollercoaster going down too that area of your body. Some ppl are more senitive there than others are. Its nil too be scared about its usual
Should I bring Depo Provera anymore?
You shouldn't be scared but rather embrace this. Many ancestors can't have them and never had them. As long as you don't engineer too much noise in weird places. Enjoy!You get excited easily approaching me ;)
Does anyone resembling the depo shot?
Excitement causes it.I once got when the train be really going very fast and the horse-drawn carriage was shaking..
Whats the difference between uti,bladder infection,length or kidney infection??
Why are you scared? I don't ruminate that there is anything to be scared in the region of..just enjoy.I contemplate it's normal...for girls.I'm not sure why tho.
White discharge?
Condom on dick? or.?
I of late started using depo provera and my nipples hurt really bleak sometimes. is this commonplace?