How can some women get sick at the sight of blood if they have periods?

I've never see it crop up but I've hear some women giddy or throw up when they see blood, but it doesn't create sense to me. Are they fake it? Is this freshly a point they say-so happen to attain guys?

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I'm totally not bothered by my time of year because I don't really chew over of it as the 'same' blood (even though it is). The article that bothers me is cut or torn flesh to be precise bleeding or the thought of vein one sliced start. That is gross to me. I don't reason of my extent as an injury so I'm not freaked out. I unambiguously don't grasp sick or shaky if I see a bleeding injury but I will cringe a bit. I don't know if women phony man sick at the verbs of blood but I'm assuming they may enjoy a problem looking at or thinking around injuries fairly than the blood itself.

Ok this is gonna nouns gross but?

That is a really fitting interview,and I know exactly what you be going to, that would be wierd since adjectives women take period....I don`t know they basically freak out when they see other society bleed.

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I am one of them. Period blood is one piece. It is the fluky blood, or the blood drawn for blood work that completely freaks me out. I hold passed out have a blood check done.

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I view operation on T.V (like on Dr. 90210 and other Discovery Health shows) but I almost faint when I saw my friend giving birth. There be so much blood near be a bucket beneath her! The nurse said that my body react to the verbs of blood and I get lightheaded and have to sit down.

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that's a right ask. I'm not afraid of blood, so it's not a problem for me. I cogitate that they are only just pansies and entail to attain over that verbs bc they will be seeing it until they get hold of ripened plenty to find a historectomy.

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I've exposed hundreds of women to the verbs of blood, and never saw one capture sick over it. On the other mitt, I've also exposed hundreds of men to the verbs of blood, and see five of them overhaul out cold! Two of the guys passed out in the past they even saw blood, surrounded by reality -the verbs of the syringe I be nearly to stick contained by them be adequate to do it. And no, they be not fake it, lol...

will it hurt me if.??

my best guess would be it is segment of an adrenalin impulse that go near the situation that cause the bleeding, where on earth menstrual blood is visibly not exceedingly heart pounding near excitement and it really isn't even intensely fresh or much blood, but bloody clotted mucus. I don't know. I've done my share of pushing the shuffle bodies of the students out of my opening and against the wall. I am not sure what drops them.

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I HATE blood. I grain nausea whenever I see a huge amount of blood, but I hold no problem dealing beside my extent. I don't know why this is, it is grotesque, but I don't know what cause it. My sister is matching bearing. So no, we're not fake it, but for some source, my extent is different from any other blood that I see. :)

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I chew over that because you know it's up and it's your own body that women who can't stand the verbs of blood aren't as freaked when it's their time of the month. I catch a spine tingly inkling when I see other empire bleed from a cut but nought when I do.

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