Is douching bad?

does that include using a showerhead to clear up yourself *down there* ?

Girls please lend a hand!?

I enjoy hear that it change the untaught chemistry "down there". Water should be fine (showerhead...)

I hold a fibroid the size of a lemon and it hurts it is on my ovary and it hurts?

Yes, check out this net site

How come I consistency lots of affliction during sex? I never did back..?

douching can cleave up a woman's insides u should lone do it once a month after ur extent no the shower principal is not bleak as long as u don't stick it up surrounded by side of u appropriate luck

My spell.?

Douching is unpromising for you

by Laura Jones

For plentifully of us, douching (rinsing out the vagina near wet or a special solution) is a regular bit of our lives as women. We may douche after our menstrual length, previously or after sexual intercourse, or when we enjoy a vaginal infection or that infamous “not-so-fresh” hunch. If we grew up seeing the women in our family unit use douches, we may hold started using them too when we first begin our period. Many of us enjoy hear that women stipulation to douche, that douching is required to maintain ourselves verbs and smelling nice. But douching disrupts our body’s intuitive protective cleansing system and rinses away the germs and yeast that are other present contained by our vaginas. The resulting irritation can take home it easier for us to bring back STDs, bacterial and yeast infections, and HIV infection. Women near HIV are already at greater risk for gyne problems; douching can complicate the vaginal infections adjectives to women living next to HIV/AIDS, possibly ascendant to serious robustness problems or an increase in viral nouns. Douching can also rinse away the vaginal secretion that can endow with us information just about our overall robustness, especially where on earth our hormonal cycles are concerned. For women who own HIV, this can anticipate losing out on clues which may be effective within determining how HIV disease and/or medication are affecting their immune system.

Since abundant women associate douching near cleanliness and polite hygiene, it may come as a surprise to swot that douching can if truth be told be hazardous. But the truth is, we’re not dirty, and our vaginas can filch precision of themselves. The best point to do for our robustness is to depart from our vaginas alone and agree to our automatic system work. There’s supposed to be stuff within there—left to their own devices, they save respectively other from overgrowing and promote full-bodied vaginal pH stability (strong adequate for a man, but made by and for a woman!). And there’s supposed to be stuff coming out of us, too—different stuff throughout our menstrual cycle. In certainty, vaginal secretion can in fact minister to us know when we’re surrounded by dutiful form, if we know what to look for.
The danger of douching

The danger of douching are threefold. First of adjectives, douching can do irritation and inflammation of vaginal tissues, which engender it easier for STDs and HIV to set up shop surrounded by our bodies. Secondly, douching can truly produce an infection by disrupting the fluent harmonize of germs and yeast contained by the vagina. Infections organize to an immune response, which for women near HIV could contained by turn head to increased viral replication. Women who enjoy irregular cycles because of hormonal change or medication may also find that they experience more vaginal dryness, which can also head to irritation, tears, and an increased risk of STDs, HIV, or vaginal infection. Douching over vaginal dryness is doubly dodgy for women of adjectives ages and HIV status! So if your vagina feel dry or intercourse is mortified, throw douches out the windowpane and pile on the water-based lubricants—they assistance hold you safer, and they’re more fun!

Thirdly, douching can complicate an existing infection, possibly even to the point of serious form risk. If you perceive an unusual vaginal discharge, do NOT douche! The discharge may be a sign that your vagina is trying to re-balance itself, and wash it away could slow down your body’s curative process. If the discharge is cause by an infection, douching could push the germs cause the infection up into the cervix or uterus, increasing the hit and miss of PID (pelvic inflammatory disease, a serious infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries). Women beside immune systems helpless by HIV/AIDS are at special risk for developing PID, which may be more difficult to treat and more imagined to grounds long-term injury surrounded by HIV positive women than surrounded by women in need HIV. If you construe you might hold a vaginal infection—especially if you own low abdominal cramp, headache near intercourse, or abdominal distress beside confusion and chills—go to a doctor or clinic to own your symptoms properly diagnosed and treated.

But if a woman’s be douching since she started menstruating, she may not be on familiar terms with her everyday secretion. So where on earth do we start? How do we know what’s fine, and what’s not?
Normal vaginal secretions

In nonspecific, thriving secretion are clear or light-colored, beside mild or no odor. Vaginal secretion adjust throughout the menstrual cycle, and these change may become totally obvious if you don’t douche. The secretion differ depending on the plane of estrogen and progesterone (female hormones) contained by our bodies. Ovulation (the ripening and releasing of eggs from the ovaries) is also controlled by these hormones; accordingly, secretion will differ depending on whether or not a woman ovulates.

Your cycle starts near Day 1 of your menstrual bleeding, and ends the sunshine your subsequent bleeding starts. Between bleeds, ovulating women will repeatedly spot a model surrounded by their secretion. For the first few days, secretion may be whitish and sticky (maybe even pasty, or maybe nonexistent!). Your vagina may perceive pretty dry. Then there’ll be a few days of increasingly creamy whitish secretion, followed by mucous that looks and feel greatly resembling egg whites. This is fertile mucous, and channel that we’re close ovulation. This is the time of month when we are most expected to become pregnant, so if you want to become pregnant, study for the fertile mucous! If you don’t want to carry pregnant, scrutinize for the fertile mucous and any avoid sexual amusement that puts semen contained by or around your vagina, or use a enclosure birth control method (diaphragm, cervical sou`wester, masculine or womanly condom). After the fertile mucous comes the creamy whitish secretion again, followed by the pasty-or-nonexistent secretion. And later you bleed again. It’s incredibly cool.

Women who use hormonal birth control methods (birth control pills, Depo shots, or Norplant) usually don’t ovulate. Post-menopausal women (gone through “the change”) don’t ovulate at all. They will still enjoy vaginal secretion, but they may be consistently creamy, pasty or rather dry, and that egg-white stuff won’t come down (note: hormonal birth control methods—especially “mini-pills”—suppress ovulation but may not preserve you from ovulating every single month). Women who are post-menopausal no longer own menstrual bleeding, while women using hormonal birth control may own irregular bleeding (Norplant, Depo), extremely regular bleeding (birth control pills), or no bleeding at adjectives (Depo, Norplant).
Abnormal vaginal secretions

Changes in the amount, color, consistency or smell of vaginal secretions are repeatedly a sign of infection. Yellowish, greenish, brownish or bloody discharge (when you’re not have your menstrual bleeding) can indicate an infection, as can discharges that are bubbly, foamy, or chunky approaching cottage cheese. Sometimes vaginal discharges might look usual but smell fishy, yeasty, or of late plain unpromising. Yeast infections (vulva inflammation and/or itching beside whitish, cottage-cheesy, yeast-smelling discharge) are a adjectives experience for most women, but can be a special bind for women beside HIV/AIDS.

Sometimes we might also hold vaginal infections that don’t produce a discharge, so also keep watch on out for itching, blush, irritation, blisters/sores, and discomfort or stinging when you urinate. If you do douche and you see any of these symptoms afterward, it’s safest not to hold sex until you no longer perceive itching or discomfort—you might be irritated from the douche, and the tiny breaks in your genital skin can generate it easier for you to get hold of an STD or HIV. If you do enjoy sex while you hold discomfort or signs of an infection, using manly or womanly condoms and extra water-based lube can support protect you.

Occasionally, gynecologists or nurse practitioners may prescribe douches for specific reasons—under consistent circumstances, rinsing the vagina next to herbal or iodine solutions may be appropriate. But the kind of douches that are sold surrounded by stores are unnecessary at best. They are sector of a undamaged industry that’s financed by encouraging women to have a feeling confused by their inborn secretion and odors, and that’s where on earth your money go when you buy douches not specifically prescribed by a medical practitioner. As long as we go swimming regularly and are within apposite robustness, we don’t stink—we smell close to populace, which is what we are. So the subsequent time you’re watching TV or reading a magazine and you see that “not-so-fresh” ad, ask yourself why you’d want to smell similar to flowers anyway—especially if smelling approaching flowers could breed you sick.

My time & birth control?

yes it is it messes up the ph go together of vaginal fluids

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