Embarassing problem(womans issues)?

right how do i say aloud this i enjoy a problem down below, my husband perceive i hold get a lump down below its knotty to describe though because its not resembling a lump as within a orb its similar to a longish point and is in recent times here its not painfull its only just irriatating when using tampons etc., i enjoy an apointment at the docs but i freshly needed to know if any one can advocate me on what it is.


kinda unnatural but.vaginal applicators + suppositories..?

Where is it located? Inside your vagina? On one of your vaginal mouth? Could you narrate us if it's perchance a reliable color...? A lump "down below" is sort of fuzzy.

Edit: I assume that you're surrounded by a committed, monogamous relationship because of the mention of your husband, so I'm not going to insult by recounting you that it could be an STD. However, it might a moment ago be irritated tissue or it could be a polyp as another poster mentioned. I'm really unsure around what it could be, sorry!

Ladies, have anyone have an abortion?

could be a wart or anything is it resembling a skin stub?
it could be only just a non-hazardous polyp they return with removed well might require local ansethetic and hey its gone

Antibacterials & Yeast infection?

it could be the course your hymen heal or breaks.
almost close to a skin sticky label, some women bring back these around the inside of the vagina as a style the body heal the hymen when it tears.

Where can i take financing for gastric by-pass surgery? My insurance won't retribution.?

Perhaps it might be a boil or an ingrowing fuzz otherwise i'm not sure. Try not to verbs until u enjoy see your gp.

Question for the ladies?

We mode of inevitability a bit more information. Is it inside or outside your vagina? Is it a longish item inside your vagina, close to conceivably your cervix? I know when I use a tampon, my cervix bumps against the tampon, and its annoying. Its really tricky to enunciate, minus knowing rather bit more in the region of it. Did you try going on www.webmd.com I don`t know you could find something on here. Good luck.

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Well, it could be various things:

A follicle that the pelt have gone ingrown, a cyst, a wart, and later nearby are the more worrying things approaching cancer.

It's strong to notify you what it is, but the worst point you can do is madness and self-diagnose, youve done the right item surrounded by getting an appointment near the doctor. they'll clutch a look and if unsure, conceivably a biopsy.

Nothing to verbs nearly, m'dear!

dutiful luck!

whenever i deem in the region of my crush i surface a tingly outlook inside me?

it might be a sebacious cyst they are mostly conventional and the be in motion away usually
somebody i know get it and it go away on its own.

Is within such article as a vasectomy except for women? If so, what's it call and is it past the worst?

There are deeply of things it could be, the doctor will probably do a biopsy and a blood testing to gross sure until that time he does anything.

It could only be a cyst or it could be more serious, only spawn sure you do dance to the doctor.

burning throbbing?

from your second description it sounds close to it's your g-spot, the skin is a ribbed sort of texture near. is it on the front wall of your vagina?

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I hold put a knit to a photograph, hold a look simply to formulate sure this is not what you are refering too. ( It is of a vagina)

If it is after it is comparatively mundane.



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it sounds to me approaching its your cervix!! to be exact designed to be here hun!! dont verbs!!

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sounds resembling some generous of prolapse. I don't feel it can be anything too serious as I expect it might be bleeding if it be.

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i thought it be conventional to enjoy bumpy tishue inside your vagina.
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