Can u get 2 periods in one month?


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yes. since period materialize going on for every 28 days and within are 30-31 days surrounded by a month, it could occur at the launch of the month and the train.

Are here any side effects of taking norethisterone?

If your period are irreglar, consequently yes you can.

WOMEN ONLY PLEASE. Female orgasm issue.?

idont know mabey ask somebody

How far within should the nuvaring be inserted?

yes, because i do, the purpose for that produce im on blood thinners,

Girls quetion subject: penis?

you can finish oneat the origin of the month, consequently start another at the wrapping up of the month.

I shave my legs but not correct adequate. I see some ppl and they dont own fuzz newhere. HELP?!?

it can crop up depending on that women cycle and how copious weeks are surrounded by a month.every girl body is different so alot of issues can sometimes seem to be similar to a slump or crazy a short time ago because its not that adjectives.but its particularly possible.

first call in to gynecologist-please answer.?

yes, you can, i enjoy a friend who get them every 2 weeks instead of every month. if u have a chat to ur doctor u can probably take birth control that have the added bonus of smaller amount period! but if you don't want to step on birth control, here's not really anything you can do around it. it's not unsavoury unless its cause other problems, its merely atypical.

Pap smear?

If your period are smaller number than 23 days apart - later you should see your gynecologist. There could be copious reason why this is taking place - polyps, thyroid issues, hormone level or breakthrough bleeding around the time of ovulation. It happen to some women around the time of menopause too. If it happen regularly I would capture it checked out.

How long previously?

I've gotten them every other week for two months. That's why I go on birth control.

does anyone else here put toilet newspaper down the bowl to start beside?

it is possible, and if that happen, consequently nearby is probably something wrong next to your body.

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