Skip Period? Trisprintec?

I am interested in skipping my period due to an upcoming leave. I am currently taking tripsprintec which i've read can be a problem as I will likely experience bleeding. I also read online that I would be capable of take the pills backwards since week 3 is the absolute dosage. Is this true? Has anyone tried this? Also - will the pregnancy protection still be in affect? Thank you!

My GYN told me that my cervix is tilted backwards, does anyone else own this problum?

Yeah I've done this before near pills and with the Nuva ring. I don't know more or less taking them backwards though.

You might experience bleeding but only spotting. Just skip your week of placebo pills and immediatly start your subsequent pack.

The reason you bleed is because your body is no longer getting the hormone in your pills during the placebo week. It will be a short time ago as effective as long as you cart your pills correctly.

I would call a pharmacist, they know best. And if you attain a pharmacist who is aganist BC or tells you not to do it only call another pharmacy. Some pharmacists are completely aganist BC within general and won't relief you.

Well last month i did not come on my interval due to stress.instead i came on at the dawn of this month.?

i would do as my doctor tell me they give it to you like that for a justification the weaker one first then the strong so your body could adjust to it surrounded by reveres it will be to much for your body to adjust to

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