I been on my period for almost a month?

Right immediately I don't enjoy any condition insurance.So I can't run to the doctor and I can't afford it. The first week I started I be bleeding legitimate unhealthy. I scrounging bleak. Big chucks be coming out. All that stop. Am in a minute bleeding really lite. Some days its a touch more after the other days but still lite. Next week it will be a hole month. I don't touch resembling am going to miss out. I get the impression regular. But I know a spell don't concluding that long. A majority interval for me ultimate solely 4 days. Has this ensue to any other women out in attendance. I be told I could be going though a transfer of duration. But am to childlike for that. Please if you have matching problem or no some one who have. Please wright me.

I've suffered spine loss and migraines near pill,what other option is in attendance?

Having an markedly long spell is a symptom of a condition call PCOS- polycystic ovary syndrome. It can miserable that a woman's hormones are bad be a foil for and she is not ovulating. Other symptoms can include counterweight gain, inflammation, pelt growth or loss, and difficulty conceiving or infertility. Usually this condition is treated beside birth control pills, a low carb diet and sometimes equal medicine that diabetics use. I have a extent that last two months up to that time I be diagnosed. I know of a woman who have a term that last a year. Clotting is adjectives near elongated period, but it can also front to anemia, and insufficiency of dash. Sometimes women own have everyday cycles, kids and ordinary shipment, next inwardly a year or two everything change. That's what happen to me. There are books and websites on the subject, even support groups if you are questioning for information.

My girlfriend's belly button?

I've never have that problem, but you should find checked, it doesn't thing if you don't own insurance, it's major

Will My 2nd Period Coming Soon?

a check up wont cost that much ....and this is really serious....THIS IS NOT NORMAL!!
and you arent supposed to hold "chunks" come out....
plz...stir check it out!

How do doctors check fertility ?

go to a robustness clinic.

How come if you hold on to a tampon within for too long you go and get TSS?

Sometimes this is cause by hormonal lack of correspondence, fibroids, endometriosis or by a denial of iron. I have this take place during November/December. Mine be because of endometriosis and they needed to do a D&C right beforehand Christmas, I required to avoid it if at all possible. The clotting you described is completely adjectives near endometriosis.

It finally stopped after taking a homeopathic medication for immense menstration, it's from a company call Bioron. I took 5 of the tiny tablets 3 times a daylight, they dissolve on your tongue. It cleared up suddenly.

Just so you know anyone can progress through the amendment of enthusiasm at ANY time because of a hormonal lack of correspondence.

If it continues you should see a doctor, planned paternity should know how to back you or maybe a low cost clinic. Sometimes irregular bleeding can also be a sign of uterine cancer. So if this continues please see a doctor, sometimes when it comes to your robustness you can't afford not to.

I would also achieve an iron supplement, that will also assistance.


They're the first to jump when losing mass..?

Hey girl it's Trish again :)
This is remarkably strange, I enjoy never have this begin to me, but I know some those who enjoy have this evolve to them. It usually have to do next to stress, or I don`t know shortage or more of sexual/physical entertainment.. If you have a feeling usual, it's probably okay, but if you start to hold pains, or get the impression sick, you should budge to the clinic, even if it's a free one... The bill may be dignified, but income it sour slowly, a bit bit here and at hand will be okay. Spending money on a doctors bill very soon is probably better after spending money on a bigger doctors bill latter if something really is wrong... Oh, and you never emailed me on [email protected]... Sorry I don't enjoy a yahoo description that works for email, but you can email me on that tale girl... looking forward to chitchat to you.

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