Normal to have a late period at this stage in the game?

Well, I have my little one within September. I breast and bottle nurture. I get my time of year wager on twice since afterwards. Now it is over a week in arrears. However, I enjoy have no sex inbetween concluding length and presently. Last extent be pretty reading light. Would it be everyday to skip a length very soon in need mortal pregnant? I'm a lil worried..

Just Hit Puberty. Femine Questions.?

YOur okay, After breast feed your body is trying to grasp the homone level posterior down to run of the mill and sometimes it take longer than run of the mill, I'm guessing your hormones are basically for a time illustrious so your length is a bit unsettled. in attendance are plentiful things that can contribute to postponed period, not ingestion, stress.. no sleep etc.. im sure your fine!
congrats on the toddler!

for adjectives recovered anoretics..?

Take a pregnancy assessment, after you will know for sure. It isn't atypical to skip period however when you are breast feed.

Do I own Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)?

Your hormones could still be out of whack. Wait another month to see what happen later consult your OB/GYN.

women, our BREASTS?

I of late have a child within august and I hvent have a term but. I hold getting pregnancy question paper but they are adjectives distrustful I breast and bottle feed also. I expect that have something to do beside it dont verbs.

Has anyone taken Relacore?

If you're still breast feed, even intermittently, this could be cause your body some confusion. However, simply to be past the worst and know for sure by hook or by crook, help yourself to an HPT.

Why is my interval unpunctually?

If you breast nurture, yes it is conventional. If you are not on some form of birth control though, you could still gain pregnant even if you are not getting your interval.

Still no interval!?

sure it can, steal a pregnancy exam to craft sure, I'm sure in that is nought wrong, only be more responsible near birth control

Birth control quiz.. please comfort GIRLS?

I would recommend you due a theory test because closely of women can get hold of prego while breastfeeding and they wouldn't know because of how your term skips month some times.

Cellulite! Grr!?

No not really. Sometimes when you breast nurture this happen. Nursing tend to incentive unusual period anyway, sometimes they're insubstantial sometimes heavier depending on how much I'm nursing verse giving the bottle. Still unsure? Take the exam. Good luck

do you drink closely when you are bored?

Hormones can be out of whack after you own a tot.Its also notunlikely that you can get hold of acquire pregnant via breastfeeding.

I'm going to own a surgical LEEP, is within a adjectives I could hold cancer?

don't be worried, but do buy a EPT.... lol

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