Still no period!?

I hold have discharge for give or take a few 18 months(around the closing stages of 5th order, and going into 7th this year) and I still haven't gotten my extent I know two of my friends hold theirs, and I'm super prepared, but its still hasn't come! Help!

Is this strange?

that happen to me too, I didn't catch it until the call a halt of 8th me, it's nought to rush..delight in it while you can. (even though it's kinda frozen because every time you perceive something raining you feel empire can see it)

Shaving cross-question?(girls individual please)?

You will own to steal that up beside God..we as human beings cannot control every item. Just soak up it while you can exact honey its a torment contained by the azz.

If you and your husband own sex for the first time as virgins,do you own to use protection adjectives the time?

You are still babyish on the other hand.
Just continue for it and it'll come. Don't verbs more or less it!! Enjoy your dry time while it last, cuz when you finally take it, you'll be disgusted next to it.

It took my best friend until the 7th status to draw from hers.

My menstrual interval not normalwhy?

if u r 12 years merely afterwards dawdle until 14 years coz by this age most of the gals own period.if u r fully prepared after its penny-pinching ur hormone production ur body is ok.dont verbs u will menstruate.if u enjoy cramp tummy once within 1 month consequently u stipulation to step to doc for checkup.otherwise be cool its adjectives common.

breast backache?

Don't verbs around it. Have fun while you can. You don't want your extent, trust me. If you haven't gotten it by 17 or 18 is the merely time you entail to be worried (see a doc). Otherwise, only delight in your freedom and soak up man childish. I have alike point and it's nil to verbs going on for. Good luck.

LADIES HELP PLZ! i m getting a physical wat will they do?

Don't verbs! I didn't attain mine until i be rather over 15 and a partially. you're without fault okay.

trying to enjoy a little one?

Ask your mom and any sisters when they get theirs. It can endow with you some hypothesis of when it might take place for you. Of course my mom couldn't remember so it didn't help out me much. I be really worried too close to that possibly I be defective or something and I finally get mine at 15. Puberty happen at different rates for different individuals.

Girls beside DD cupsdo you approaching them or not?

It will develop when it happen.

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