Answer this n support me plizz..for IBS.?

I was newly wondering that how do you people, near IBS go on near daily spring. Like for example, mine is constipation. it's a very bleak bloating and gas..but i REALLY want to know why can't my mom understand me when i report her i can't go to college close to this? Like any of you who have these symptoms..what do you do? isn't soo complicated, or don't you really worry around how your gonna go to class the next daylight. Don't you feel this channel every single day? Why is my mom blaming me i dont obtain it. I JUST CANT DO IT. I CANT LEARN ANYTHING LIKE THIS, SITTING IN THE CLASSROOM ALL STRESSED UP. What do you think? am i chance to be saying this? I know i get oto take some meds, that will grant some relief, but still, im not as thankful, as confident as the reast of the people. I WAS NEVER LIKE THIS BEFORE. NEVER. Its be 7 months already. Every day..i have been going near it..thinking, hoping it would pass away, til 2 weeks ago i found out what it is. Just narrate me plizz, how do you feel.? thank you.

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I have have this problem for a long time. What helps me a great deal, is to grind flax seeds contained by a coffee grinder. I add them to yogurt or salad for extra fiber. Drink plenty of sea, too. Magnesium supplements could make a big revival in the constipation and stress. You may also necessitate B Vitamins.

Your Mom doesn't want you to fold because of pressure. You are too young to hold this ruin your life. Anyone is too immature to give up time for a bowel problem. Make sure you get exercise everyday too. Take concern of yourself! You'll get better.

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Are you on zelnorm. It's pretty hard when not a soul will listen to you. see if your Doctor can talk to your mom. And what is your mom blaming you for . IBS isn't your guiltiness,maybe she doesn't get the extent of your anxiety or fear. Pain will realy mess up your perspective on existence. find a counsellor or someone to talk to. try some form of meditation or for walks and drink plenty of river. bless you and good luck

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