Does smoking make period cramps worse?

I am curious give or take a few the effects of smoking on the menstrual cycle. I enjoy hear that coffee and other forms of caffiene can trademark it worse but I didnt know almost smoking

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Research indicates that because smoking in reality lowers estrogen level, women who smoke are "twice as potential to experience dysmenorrhea as nonsmokers, and smoking prolongs the symptoms of this condition" [Harvard School of Public Health 108:1019-1022, Chen et al]. Hope that help.

im 13 i started my period a few days ago but i dont know how to put in the picture her. any suggestions? reply asap please

I used to smoke and my period hold other be pretty horrible, but I don't chew over smoking made mine better or worse.

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If you're anything resembling me, the thought of smoking w/ cramps is satisfactory to variety you heave==

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i dont believe that smoking have anything to do next to menstral cramps, too much caffiene can make a contribution you horrible cramps and ive individually found that calcium from drinking milk give me cramps also. i found that drinking hose and i stopped drinking milk and any type of calcium and my bed-ridden length cramps are a entity of times past.

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Smoking can contribute to cramps. It's recommended that you avoid smoking to lessen the cramping.

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I wouldnt know for sure.. but it seem resembling the nicorette addiction could affect your hormone level, possibly stalling the cycle or making it come to soon

but honestly thats a guess

Which hurts worse?

I dont judge smoking would effect your menstrual cycle

The info i found shows that if you are trying to bestow up smoking it is harder as you own more craving............but thats going on for adjectives in that seem to be

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