Tampons or Pads?

What is the difference and what is better?

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PADS - These are attatched to the underwear by a sticky side on the bottom of the pad. They involve blood externally, after the blood has moved out the body.

Pros: These are good for first time users, as they are commonly easier. They don't increase your risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome.

Cons: They can feel bulky, resembling a diaper, and can be very mortified during sports (can't wear while swimming). They tend to leak like mad if you have a fatty flow. They can make you get the impression self-conscious, as you are worrying all time if people can see them through your clothes, or if you leak. It feels close to you are sitting in blood the whole afternoon. When you change them, they are intensely noisy and messy. They can engender you smell if not changed regularly enough.

TAMPONS - These are inserted into the vagina, any with or lacking an applicator. They absorb blood internally, back the blood has exited the body.

Pros: These are so comfortable if inserted correctly that most women can't even quality them, and you forget you even have your time of year. They are great for sports. You can wear them while swimming! You can't see them through clothing, so while wearing them no one will know that you hold your period. They are wayyy smaller number messy than pads, and you obviosly perceive cleaner throughout the day. No odors. When inserted correctly, they don't soak. And last but not least possible - VARIETY!

Cons: They put you at risk for developing Toxic Shock Syndrome. Some people find them mortified. Some may feel wierd sticking one "up there". Most girls will enjoy to try a few times before they successfully insert a tampon, during which it can be a slightly prickly.

Good Brands:
PADS - Always, Kotex
TAMPONS - Tampax, Playtex, O.B.

I personally prefer tampons. Hope I help ya!

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I hold always used pad. I have never tried tampons. I hold wondered this myself.

HELP!! I don't know how to insert a tampon so can some one tell me how to next to a VERY good explanation?

Tampons are better. Pads are unsanitary, and you will smell desperate when you're on your period if you wear them. Also label sure you douche after you're done having your peroid.

Quick interval question?

pads are gross!! they quality like diapers and they aren't immensely sanitary. i suggest tampons... you cant even tell your wearing them
hope i help

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I think tampons are means of access better. Kind of weird at first, but you capture used to it. With tampons you don't have to verbs as much about it smelling or one able to see the wipe through your tightest jeans. The only cons to tampons that I enjoy are that it is hard to know when you should evolution it (so I always wear a pantiliner in case) and within is the risk of toxic shock syndrome (read about it contained by the tampon box). But other than that, I would right to be heard tampons all the process. Plus, with summer coming up, you want to be capable of swim while on your period right? Can't do that wearing a wad!

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pads are better because it keeps you dryer tampons are with the sole purpose if your sexually active.

Could this be chancy? Should I try it?

uhh pads are gross i consistency so unclean wearing one, they smell tampons are much better, but it's what you get the impression comfortable with.

Whats the difference?

Pads are better. It's not sound to keep adjectives that blood & junk inside you near a tampon.

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I intuitively prefer tampons over pads. For one you don't own the leakage (as bad) as you do beside pads. Tampons allows you more freedom such as to do swimming, endeavours etc.

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Tampons are better, who requests to sit in their own blood adjectives day?

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Pads for normal daylight and Tampons when you are swimming. and maybe only just pads or Tampons..it doesn't issue. tampons are very comfortable.

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Pads. I make my own though, out of cloth. I bathe them and then reuse them. The store-bought ones sort me uncomfortable adjectives day, they ooze too easily, and they receive an odor. Tampons I don't like. They can be unpleasant erudition to insert them correctly, and it can be difficult to tell when you're something like to leak. One moment you're fine, the subsequent -- BOOM, instant red underwear. Yay.

But it is all fundamentally much a personal preference, depending both on what you grain is most comfortable and what is most convenient for your schedule. Try both of them for a bit for a while and get hold of an idea of what works best for you. But take home sure to be aware of how often you should swing them, etc., to keep yourself respectable and to discourage bacteria.

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They both have advantages and disadvantages, but in attendance is a better option. A menstrual cup is worn inside the body concerned of like a tampon, but it collects the blood and later you rinse it out and re-use. Might sound a moment or two gross but it is a great option if you hand over it a go. Good for the environment, well-mannered for your pocket and might even be good for your strength, no toxic syndrome problems. I have individual been using one for for a time while but I wish I have known just about them earlier. Makes my sweet period much more tolerable.

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