Pain in my Legs?

Latley i own be getting this painful genus of tired thought contained by my legs i dont know what it's from but it is annoying and is mostly near when i am sitting, it lessen when im walking i just this minute started running and i do hold a desk livelihood and sit adjectives daytime if that could be a raison d`??tre...i also hold a fundamentally fruitless vertebrae if that could be set to anything..what could it be from.

Which is moody place in womens body?

There's a couple things that come to mind right away base on my own experiences. I take achy legs if I don't filch magnesium and calcium supplements.

But by what you described it sounds approaching it's commission related. I also work at a desk and if I don't acquire up every hour or so to stretch out my legs and posterior they go and get stiff and sore too. One of those foot rests, I'm sorry I don't remember the proper christen, for desk workers might give a hand. Puts your feet/legs at an angle better for circulation.

Hope that's courteous!

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