Why am i bleeding AGAIN? Third time surrounded by 3 weeks!?

I'm only 16 but i'm on the birth control implant "Implanon"
I've be on it for a good couple of months now and it hasn't previously effect my periods.

Almost 3 weeks ago i came on my extent as usual and it lasted around 5 days, as usual. Then as i was coming bad i was taken into hospital with suspected appendicitus. They kept me surrounded by for two nights and then settled it wasnt appendicitus and said they thought i may have had an ovarian cyst. Although, they didn't do any test or put me on any sort of medication. They

Then 3 days after i'd completely finished my period, i started bleeding again. It started off heavily for the first 2 days and later reduced itself to more of a dark brown discharge for the next 3 days.

Then i finished bleeding on Monday which i be very relived and happy roughly.

But now it's Thursday morning and i've just started bleeding again :|

Could this be down to the Implanon or could i enjoy had an ovarian cyst which is now cause me to bleed?
Please help

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Both are possibilities, but no matter what, you requirement to see a doctor now. This is not normal, and not fighting fit. That much blood loss can put a serious strain on your system. See a doctor immediately.

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i would seriously talk to your doctor over this you could own a cyst also you may be responding to the pill too much and need another form of family planning look at your diet too you may be scarce iron or you may even be anemic, but seek medical advice and in a hurry there are many things doctors can do to support

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Whichever it is, you should probably go in. It may lately be your age, it may be the BC, it may be something else. Almost any of those should be checked with a doctor after so much of it though.

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You should go to the doc. You could possibly be preg. it could be ovarian cyst. engineer a doc appointment. they can do hormone treatment. You probably need to also change you birth control.

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unambiguously see a doctor. any major unexpected conveyance in your cycle is reason for concern. bleeding approaching this you could become quite anemic.

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It could be a cyst or an infection I would tell your parents to constraint the doctor to do more tests. Its normal to spot inbetween period but not heavy bleeding.

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The sad answer is that the Implanon is certain to cause exactly this kind of point and the best thing to do is have it taken out without beating about the bush and be put onto a safer form of birth control like Dianne or Jasmine. Your doctor will try to talk you out of it but I can put in the picture you the longer it goes on the longer it will take to fix.

This problem is so unpromising they are doing studies on it all over the world in different University research labs.

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It is categorically possible that it could be an ovarian cyst. I had bleeding problems (they were different than yours though), and my doctor have me checked for ovarian cysts. A gynecologist can examine you, or if that is too uncomfortable, as it be for me, you can have an ultrasound to check for cysts.

I ended up have no cysts thankfully. The doctor said my bleeding was cause by my body not producing enough of the hormone that stops periods. All I have to do was go on birthcontrol (I chose the patch). I don't know plenty about Implanon to say anything in the order of it though as far as whether it could be a cause of bleeding. You should definitely see your doctor!

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