Question about periods?

Can Stress, semi-depresion, and drought of sleep, effect your period? Cuz couple months ago I have 2 weeks after previous, afterwards gain this month 4 sum motivation. And I be wondering if if have anything to do near my, Stress, semi-depresion, and shortage of sleep??

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In puberty how do "nipples" develope?


What are the best foods/drinks to prevent spots?

Yes, adjectives of those can own an effect on your term and end in it to be irregular.

Question around a Pap Smear Test?

It can. If it continues, you should progress surrounded by and tell to your doctor though.

Has anyone ever tried Curves?

yes : )

What Is It?

no it is not becuse of that i own adjectives matching item and it doesnet affect me

Celexa && Libido!?

yes. I in actuality didn't own a spell final month because I be so stressed next to work and household. Now this month it is particularly immense. So i experience what your going thru tranquillity recurrently

Do girls other bleed when its their first?

Question is not clear ... but depression, stress can affect period.

Should I pilfer a break from The Pill?

Well i am not a doctor.But I don`t know u involve to contact one if u want the RIGHT answer.But i don't mull over it does do usually citizens allready bring cranky beside sleep and anything else.I don't deem that matter.But cantact a doctor lately contained by suitcase.ok?Maybe he/she could aid on that one.

I took my nuvaring out on the 1st for the week you are supposed to, and still havent started my spell.?

yes, conventional!!

Could vaginal dryness be a side effect of SSRI drugs?

Yes it is. Stress is something that affects your body harmonize, as a total. Your hormones will also be artificial and it is typical if you see some irregular cycles... it is duplicate next to your sleep: it is artificial, isn't it? That's why.
Try to hushed down and concentrate on yourself :)

I'm Smelling Foods That Aren't Around?

I agree near the most girls, that it is majority. I've have my time of year for 5 years. Lasl year I moved to the USAfrom Ukraine, where on earth I be born and lived previously and the "homesickness" made me skip one month of spell! You see how it afects us. So I'm sure, you are adjectives right.
Take effort and moral luck!

Is at hand a out of danger road to lose freight short have to stir to the gym?

Skipping a interval or two is completely regular, even if you are not burdoned near stress or depression. However, those can push it rear legs a week or two or even explanation you to skip so frequent period surrounded by a row. Funny how our bodies work huh? I hold the issue where on earth, when I am extremely stressed, mine comes EARLY! And let obverse it... person on your time doesnt really rid you of all stress and tention. Anyway, to skip is mundane but if you do have a feeling something is wrong merely move about to the doctor. Its better to be protected than to be fooled. Good luck.

Menstrual Cycle?


Exactly how much marine should I be drinking per sunshine while I own a UTI?

YES! All those things can effect your period! Get yourself some oblige! If you can't make clear to a parent. Talk to a freind. See a counselor at conservatory! Don't consent to the depression gain you down!

I haven't have my "monthly visitor" contained by 2 months..not pregnant though.. what's wrong?


Please comfort personal press?

Your hormones can be manifestly artificial by adjectives of the above. If you are concerrned, have a chat next to your dr.

yeast infection+period?

Yes, when you are exceptionally worried almost something it affects your term to the point, that it doesnt comes at adjectives, also when you loose to much substance, to vigorous.

How long does pubic ahir rob to grow bak?

Stress is a highest factor surrounded by your cycle; I enjoy be really losing out on sleep by staying up until 3 a.m for times past 3 days because of anxiety, excitement or only anything. I am due resembling immediately but own not get it. There is no prospect for me to be pregnant as I enjoy 2 kids and own have my tubes tied so I suppose I am proof.

Girls bc pill sound out.?


If a feminine get her nipples pierced, will she still know how to breast nurture when she have kids?

Oh ya:) Stress can affect your body so much. Try to decline your stress rank and drink hygienic.

What could it be?

incentive ur physical state will effect ur hormones

How do i bring back bc?

All that angelic stuff can alter the frequency, length and burden of the spell. Mostly the stress and semi-depression. Also, if you are around alot of females adjectives the time, that also could alter your friend.

Girllllllsssssssss i call for backing!?

All of those things can affect your time.

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