Do I have irregular periods? Is this common?

My period hold be close to this for as long as I can remember...My concluding 4 cycles be 45 days, 35, 38 and 32 days, but contained by days gone by hold be as short as 26 days and as long as 57 days. I own be pregnant once and found out I concieved on the 34th afternoon of that cycle.
I've be to the doctor but can't give the impression of being to take a clear answer and i've have a scan and my ovaries are fine...So what's the problem, is this commonplace? Help!

Question About Irregular Periods, Please Help..?

I own duplicate problem as you; however, when I chomp through right and exercise regularly, my cycles stay ordinary. I own to hang on to my bmi at 21-21.75. Now that my bmi is over 23, it's not regular again :(

try to exercise regularly, at tiniest 3 times a week and see what happen.

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It is middle-of-the-road for frequent women to own occasional irregular period. Constant irregular period are not regular. It may be the result of one of a few things...

First...If you are underweight and your body solid percentage is low later that can lead to missed or irregular period.

Second...if you enjoy thyroid problems afterwards that can basis irregular period.

Third...if your ovaries are not producing satisfactory FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) among other hormones than you can carry irregular period.

The bottom file is that you should markedly see your doctor and catch a GYN referral so that you can own a definitive answer.

They will do a serious of blood test to see what the root exact is, and after probably prescribe medication or birth control pills to correct the problem.

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no i dont beleive you enjoy irregular time most women dont own exact cycles. in a minute if you missed months and years of have a time after you could christen that irregular. getting on birth control will bring in it terrifically regular..

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