2 months lacking a time?
im not underneath any stress
havent gained/lost weight
no exercises
i did hold unprotected sex while ovulating...but wouldnt a pregnancy test show up by very soon?
and if i were preg. i havent gotten any symptoms except
and not to sound gross but you know sometimes when u burp you obtain that throw up taste surrounded by your mouth?
thanks for the back! serious answers only plz
Answers: sounds approaching you're pregnant hun. even pregnancy test are wrong, which isn't undercooked. go to a doctor to receive a more effective tryout. also wait a week and lift the test again.
moral look!
you are fine. you shouldnt be pregnant. hey girl.
you probably are 2 months without a time of year
is way too long.
pregnancy assessment is probably inaccurate
that you should see a doctor and appropriate
either a blood or a urine try-out.
they are more effective.
hope that help.
i suggest you go gain a blood test from a doc because my friend be three months preg and she had no signs also no morning sickness zilch and she didn't gain weight because the doc said she carried the child in he fund (don't ask) and she had wishy-washy periods very well she always did so she didn't believe anything of it so go to the doc