Question About Irregular Periods, Please Help..?

Okay, so i hold have irregular period since i be 13yrs ripened. I know when im roughly to win my spell because i achieve blowed, but this time. I dont know if im starting my time of year or what, Because its incredibly, drastically wishy-washy its be close to that for almost 3 days. Should i walk to the doctor and draw from checked. Could i be pregnant and not know. I requirement some insist on, so please lend a hand me. Im also 20yrs. Old. This might nouns similar to a shocker to you, but my mom never told me anything around period when i be little so, i dont know as much as i want to know! Please Help Me!! Thank you!!

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Research Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Birth Control & Synthroid?

Irregular period can explanation infertility. Ask your doctor to put you on a birth control pill, they'll regulate you. As far as pregnancy go, probably not. Sometimes you draw from so irregular that you stop have period, next it's REALLY complicated to fashion them start again. Get on a birth control pill right away.
BTW - this is also a sign of PCOS, hold your doctor also check your testosterone level. Could free you a unbroken lot of trouble contained by the long run.

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Hi my first name is Dianne I'm 46.

Our bodies redeploy adjectives the time. I remember running to my doctor because my period be too unhealthy for awhile. I suggest your body is out of wack. I would walk to the doctor though.and see what he say. As for one pregnant, I don't know..I doubt it..but why don't you buy a home pregnancy tryout from the drug store and find out. That's what I would do. I don't reflect you enjoy a serious problem. I'm speaking from experience..:)

If you inevitability someone to make conversation to email me. ok pious luck.

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Could you be pregnant and not know? The answer to this is are you a virgin.?Has a man put his penis in your vagina? Whether he ejaculate or not.
If you are a virgin you cannot find pregnant. If you enjoy have sex next you could be.
If within is a possibility later do a pregnancy testing and/or see your doctor.
The pill will get your irregular period regular-but it is a pill spell not a proper time.When you stopped taking the pill your period would be irregular again.
Do not give somebody a lift the pill for your period.Only bring it if you are sexually influential.
Because of your perceived famine of erudition save a transcript of your period.This will make clear to us if they are organize irregular or a average variability.contained by cycle length.
If most importantly You could be pregnant see your doctor ASAP
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