I feel weird.?

i consistency acky and loopy, terrybly struffy and ears discern close to they are going to explode, and until this morning it be merely contained by my commander but immediately its my complete body. what could be cause this simptoms? also I am 24 yrs feeble and took chemo a year ago, and have my spleen taken out more or less 3 weeks ago.
please single concrete answers no "I do not know" stuff please and thankyou.

Girls-help please!?!?

CALL YOUR DR. and speedy...given your medical history so far....you may enjoy picked up a staph infection in the hospitol....you can be run down from the surgery and chemo.....and own the flu over it adjectives.....did you grasp the flu shot? sounds too serious for you to be fooling around here beside answers......travel obtain assist.!

Need a quote. Please Help.?

Go achieve u some pamprin or tylenol sinus for the ear module.
U may own the flu....stay surrounded by bed and drink heat fluids.
Boil steam and put vicks on ya

I have a coughing spell Friday and it get to the gaging stage. at like time I have a sharp, stinging discomfort?

Mayb it's a side effect of the chemo u have or it could b because u jus took out your spleen


i dont know....... lol jk. anyway i would vote its an infection of the sinuses (or doesn`t matter what the plural of sinus is) or an ear infection and any infection will effect your complete body as your body tries to conflict it, spleen nor chemo should effect it excluding I don`t know a slower immune response, rob vitamins and if it doesnt start improving in a few days see a doc for some antibiotics


You necessitate to hail as your doctor! You shouldn't bring any probability person so soon post surgery.

Inlargment Breasts nutrally?

I suppose you obligation medical proposal, given you recent medical history!

PCOS & Selenium?

After taking chemo, even if it be a year ago, your immune system is still not what it be. You could own the adjectives flu. Also, by have a recent operation you could hold contracted infection from the overt wound of the surgery. I don't recommend taking anything over the counter because it could concealing outfit something more serious that the doctor may be looking for. If you aren't fancy any better by within the morning I would definately give the name the doctor and draw from it checked out. Better undisruptive than sorry!

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