I had a coughing spell Friday and it got to the gaging stage. at the same time I had a sharp, stinging pain?

in my upper chest and upper put money on consequently down my not here arm. I checked my bp and it be close to 178/154. I wait roughly speaking 15 mins and it was163/108. My boss sent me home and i go to the dr. she could not find anything that could own cause it, I still am sore below my disappeared breast as if it be hit. Could I enjoy have a small heart attack?

Having sex, bleeding and alot of anguish?

It's possible to break a rib from coughing so strong, also you can irritate the cartilage around them. Pneumonia can hand over niggle also, but if it hurts when you touch it, cough, or move, it more than possible is chest WALL distress, verse, chest affliction. But, when within doubt, ask the docs. Second assessment is other OK.

Does unprocessed chicken contain vaginal cell?

No. You did not own a heart attack. Coughing so complex can generate your chest hurt. Remember, you are trying to attain adjectives that crap up out of your chest.

What is it??

you could enjoy destabilized tissue surrounded by your ribs or chest when you coughed cause a horrible sharp anguish and memorable soreness.

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