Does cocaine have an effect on the morning after pill?

Obviously I'm asking becuase I did some ultimate dark and also have sex next to my bf. The condom broke so I took the morning after pill. Will the blow lessen the casual the pill will work? Should I see a doctor just about it?


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okay one dont do cocaine because it can and will near continued use destroy you email me if you want to know how it will destroy you its [email protected]. not a soul know exactly since here isnt a complete lot of research into it but i would doubt it would effect the probability of the pill working or not, any route the coke would more than feasible explanation a miscarrige if you did obtain impregnate. the morning after pill isnt 100% powerful any, even next to reliable use. best bet is to buy some pregnancy test (the ept test are good) and conceivably gain some money to the side for an abortion if it is decriminalized surrounded by your state.purely to play it out of danger. also tell to your doc roughly the coke's effect on any child you may or may not ever concieve because of you drug behaviour

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I wouldn't guess so, at lowest possible not so much you should be too worried. I never used the morning after pill but I be really coked out for awhile and on the pill and my boyfriend and I didn't use condoms and I didn't procure pregnant surrounded by the two years this be going on. I other wondered that since the coke sped me up if it would speed things out of my system but I never have any problems. Not that I would pilfer this as nouns medical proposal, but contained by my experience I don't reflect on it would affect it

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Doing coke and have unprotected sex is not the smartest point to do. you can die from the coke, and die from the unprotected sex. Sound approaching your a gambler. If your concerned that when your coked up you are not smart adequate to put the condom on right, do the world a favor and shift on the pill. It will be one smaller amount kid my export tax dollars support for others mistakes.
Grow up

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No, adjectives the morning after pill is is a sizeable dose of hormones. Cocaine should not hold an effect on the usefulness of the morning after pill.

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