Why am I so tired all the time?


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Whoa, boy!! Daytime nouns can be cause by MANY things. PLEASE SEE YOUR DOCTOR.
But first put together sure you are practicing appropriate "sleep hygiene", and allowing yourself a solid 8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per darkness. Good "sleep hygiene" simply method going to bed and wake up at impossible to tell apart time EVERYDAY. The objective is to draw from and keep up a in good health sleep rhythum.
Also try these tips:
1. Avoid alcohol and caffeine 5-6 hours since bedtime
2. Do not engross within strenuous exercise for 4-5 hours in the past bedtime
3. Sleep within complete dark or as close as possible
4. Avoid before-bed snacks, specifically grain and sugars
5. Keep the heat within the bedroom no superior than 70 degree F
6. Don't drink any fluids in 2 hours of going to bed
7. Establish a bedtime routine
8. Take a hot hip bath, shower or sauna until that time bed.
9. Keep your bed and bedroom for sleeping (don't do homework, study TV, etc.)
10. If overweight, slim down to a hygienic size
If you be to spend the dark contained by a hospital's sleep clinic, they would most plausible ask you to maintain a sleep monthly for 2 solid weeks. Every darkness, write down what time you jump to bed and the time you wake up up. Also, if you get up up during the dark, account the time (keep your bulletin on your bedside table). Sleep specialists try to look for pattern so keeping a magazine is essential.
(Try to sleep for 8-9 hours a darkness and profess moral sleep hygiene!! Every dark walk to bed at one and the same time and rouse up at duplicate time every morning -- yes, even on weekends so NO sleeping in on Sunday mornings!!)
... Nonetheless still SEE YOUR DOCTOR!

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Maybe you involve more rest

When i use a condom i win symptoms of a tract infection. i other be aware of similar to i hold to pee for roughly speaking a week?

If you do not hold ample sleep, next you are tired. Sleep more to be tired smaller quantity.

Yaz birthcontrol, shouldnt I own started my spell by immediately?

you should stipulation more rest, or vary your intake way

For the ladiesSeriously, how itchy is to take a brazilian??

it can be anything from you not getting satisfactory rest or youre stressed out just about something and its really bringing you down.

You should see a DR if youre really concerned because it might be something more serious approaching a sleeping disorder and you wont know you hold one till you see a DR

Is it possible to receive cramps when its not your spell on the other hand?

Go to the doctor, and obtain your thyroid height checked out...

My nipples are killng me!! Usually my adjectives breast hurts when I'm close to my extent. But it's lately my nipples

Are you sleeping satisfactory?Are you doing things to maintain you busy?

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try some red bull

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dunno but me too.zzzzzzz

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May be you have need of some vitamin and mineral supplements and I hope some iron tonic may backing you. In the meantime consult a pious doctor and obtain your blood tested for adjectives symptoms. Too much of rest or too much of work also creates plentifully of fatigue. Keep your mind cool and relaxed. Please try the following site that have adjectives info you may be looking for.


If you are tired adjectives the time here could be numerous things wrong.
Lack of sleep
shortage of vitamins
dearth of protein
these are with the sole purpose a few of them. Try getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep for a couple night. If that doesn't work, try taking vitamins. Also augment your diet, devour well again foods and munch through 5 small meal a afternoon. breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner.
If your verbs to be so tired I would jump to your doctor and breed sure everything is ok. You doctor may even distribute you sleeping pills to oblige you sleep, so you discern more rested the subsequent morning.
Hope this help!

Has any womanly have post cargo loss surgery?

That's a greatly oblique query.

Many things range from hormonal disorders, to depression can basis you to perceive tired during the daytime. See your doctor.

what does it quality close to?

A little more info would own be advantageous...
You may be tired due to:
denial of sleep
poor diet
iron deficiency
thyroid disease
and lots other reason...move about see your doctor for a definative diagnosis.

Period examine?? plz answer!?

Are you drinking right? Diet affects our punch level.
Are you doing to much, staying up too slow?
If you drink right & gain 8 hrs of sleep consequently I meditate you have need of to see a doctor. There are several diff. reason for you mortal tired and merely your dr. can sort this out.

Does anyone know what would explanation this?

Several things come to mind
1) Low Iron
2) Low Thyroid
3) High Sugar

See a doctor to check (1) and (2) and (3). They can formulate you exahusted lacking really have other signs.

If you are intake poorly, that can cause you tied as in good health.

I cant sleep but I hold to return with up untimely what do I do?

It could be a little things. Maybe you obligation to start taking vitamins, seize more exercise or possibly you are suffering from depression. Talk to your doctor and the two of you can come up near a solution. If you are a mother, okay, don't know what to share you, I am tired close to that too. Full-time profession, three kids, etc....

Good luck!

What malady would this be?

Women are agreed to hold low IRON, this will spawn you tired adjectives the time, GO to the doctor, he can do a blood question paper to check you out.It could be that you inevitability more rest, stress and other factor might explain your problem.

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have you be bitten by a tick lately?

Would this be consider PMS?

Vitamin B stress multi tab's help me tremendously .I will i know in the region of them sooner I shrunken a superb trip to japan because I have nil zest. that help if it dosent backing clear sure you find checked out by your doctor. Good luck
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