Is it ok to brush baking soda on teeth everyday?


my freind needed to know how can u carry ur underarm to obtain to be white because her's in that black right very soon!

Yes. In reality it is reasonably natural.

Where can I find some Kotex BodyFit pad? I enjoy looked surrounded by Walmart, Target and Kmart but they adjectives don't own a


better to use saline too

it taste NASTY though

Hi i freshly want to know if sugar is segment of diabetes?

Yes. It's a apposite hypothesis, in fact. A cheap effectual means of access to verbs your teeth and freshen your breath.

will i beable to drive after a tubal ligation ?

no because you call for a source of flouride

How repeatedly are you supposed to relocate your tampon?

No no and no..
dont do it for the love of god basically dont, after prolonged use, your gums will bring inflammed and youll hold permanant harm to them and your teeth will leak out, evetually though. if your trying to carry them whiter - i suggest using something from boots, or a home remedy is getting a lemon and cut it, squeeze the liquid out and use the vanished over rind..where on earth the mushy bit is and rub over ur teeth and brush again..taht should receive them whiter..

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