Getting First Period Faster?

Okay, I should have gotten my time already but I recently lost alot of solidity and now I am close to 90 lbs. So, is there anything I can do to variety it come faster? Should I gain weight again? I am worried that I won't capture it soon.
(And i don't want answers like, when its your time it will evolve and stuff like that. I want true answers that will aid me get it faster)

Answers:    hang around ur time will come
the true annswer is you cant make it come any faster You can't craft it come faster. I started when I was 11, others start as tardy as 16.
it usually goes by what your moms age be when she got hers. The younger she be then that should give support to approximate. If you dont know when she started than you're kinda stuck you just enjoy to wait and find out when it comes it comes. I don't regard you should gain weight, but engender sure you are eating a proper diet. When you own your period your body it getting rid of the outmoded and getting ready to place a brand new area contained by the womb with nutrient and blood for a kid. If are not healthly enough, your body roughly desides you not healthly enough to hold a baby, so you dont enjoy anything to come out of your body. that = no period. Some times if you enjoy recently started your period (in the last year, or possibly two) your might not have an exact agenda and it might come a couple weeks late. I hope this help!
why do you want it? it sucks!
but also ur bmi may be too low to have a term, so maybe try acquirement a little bit...similar to 10lbs
but also, if its not your time, than there is nil you can do but wait

why would you want to open to feel resembling crap for one week every month?
I only need that my period could come faster, the truth is, you can't. I perceive like I enjoy been getting close to my time of year for six months...each time it seem closer...join the club. PUBERTY STINKS!

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