Is it true that a women's chances of getting breast cancer increase if she does not breastfeed her kids?

Is it true that a women's likelihood of getting breast cancer increase if she does not breastfeed her kids? My mother in tenet (who have breast cancer in a minute and did not breast nurture her kids) be relating me this the other year, and it in recent times did not seem to be to trademark much sense to me. Does anyone else know this to be true?

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Some studies do vote it can confer protective benefits against breast cancer. For example, one collaborative reanalysis of individual facts from 47 epidemiological studies surrounded by 30 countries, including 50,302 women next to breast cancer and 96,973 women lacking the disease, concluded that "the longer women breast nurture the more they are protected against breast cancer" and that "the deficiency of or short lifetime duration of breastfeeding typical of women in developed countries make a key contribution to the soaring incidence of breast cancer in these countries." [Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer; 1: Lancet. 2002 Jul 20;360(9328):187-95].

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