I stopped smoking on 1st jan i feel great but cant stop eating please help?


Have you done it??

Good luck! I stopped smoking on the 1st too!


what r the major exact of overactive bladder?

maybe you should try bubble gums..


instead of food, chew gum...

its also below research that chewing gum may backing loose counterweight.

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try loads of incredibly cold sea. it give a sensation of something going down your throat (no pun intended) close to smoking and it also give you the premonition of self full and will hopefully curb the hunger pang - polite luck

Vagina issues?

one article at a time... Try drinking loads of dampen and ingestion unprepared vegetables - carrot, shelled peas, turnip - as snacks instead of crisps and chocolate. They'll saturate you up more.

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your body is finding another addiction to acount for the loss of nicotine

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My friend at work munches adjectives daylight long, but she eat things similar to spinach, seed and cucumber (she be ingestion a backpack of brussel sprouts the other day). Try and put away things similar to that, they're low within calories and elevated contained by the appropriate stuff approaching vitamins. She's looks fantastic.

I know this is crazy but,what can breed my boobs bigger?

Every time you quality close to smoking next pilfer a laxative. Then adjectives the food you consume will run bye bye, and you'll stop both customs soon adequate. If that doesn't work next chew patch. Not responsible for anyone elses activities.

Im too shorthow do i grow taller?

Try chewing on nicotine gum. Your body's foreign craving might be directed to food. Might be adjectives psychological. Try doing something else similar to going for a totter.

Condom within ** cant catch it out what should i do ?

try chewing gums

Am i not open ample?

It will leave behind, I promise (not smoked for almost 2 years now). The best entity to do is carry yourself food to appendage which is forceful to bite on. I used to take around carrot or celery sticks and popcorn so that when my craving turned into a food craving I have something to drink which wasn't a doughnut!

Also, don't be too knotty on yourself. Losing a bit of solidity is going to be much easier than quitting smoking.

Vagina stretched out after lots childbirths?

Everybody is probably going to utter this but chew gum!

Try getting different flavours & varietys, so you dont get bored of it.
You could also get some fruit in to snack on! Grapes are moral!

Good luck!

Really Small Red Dot surrounded by Underwear=\?

When I stopped smoking, I ate loads too. Swap unwell foods for fruit, drink plenty of marine which can support suppress your appetite or chew gum to occupy yourself. It does elapse after a couple of weeks.

Advice please?

I cut a drinking straw something like down a cigarette and I'd puff and draw and inhale the heavens I took surrounded by beside that. It worked. I haven't smoked for 6&1/2 years in a minute and I smoked for more than 30 years!

I hold be taking HRT I be highly babyish when I have to start does anyone know any herbal remedies?

Hahahaha congrats! You know closely of smokers usually are pretty small populace fundamentally because they smoke so much that they lose appetite. Sometimes they can replace meal beside a cigarette. Seriously. So immediately that you are not smoking you wanna guzzle close to you used to when you be younger and didnt smoke. You freshly notice it in a minute because you may be concerned just about possible freight problems latter on, because remember when we be younger it be not bothering us. So guess what.....i yearning i be within your shoes. Maybe i would of gain substance close to i have need of to. Congrats on quitting!! How did you do it?? lol

my freind requirements give a hand and doomed to failure?

Hi. I quit smoking closing year for just about 2 months (you will quit for fitting though!!). I never considered necessary to try to quit b/c of my consternation of counterweight gain. In those 2 months, I in reality lost 8lbs! I truly believe most of it is within your team leader and you can control it. The one entry I did awareness though be that on the days that I be consumption plentifully, I be not drinking ample wet. That really is the number one piece to do, lots and lots and lots of hose! Other than that, I any have sugar free gum or sunflower seed surrounded by my mouth constantly. Another entity I did be, every time the craving come, I basically go for a meander or a opening; anything to hold on to moving. You can do it, virtuous luck!! : )

Ummm.down therea unnatural smell..?

that's great,try keeping your hand busy or chew on a straw and hold it.it will help out w/the over ingestion.also hold some sugarless candy or gum on paw.you can do it right luck.

Things to parley to girls something like?

ah yes I hear that does arise. It's create you're tang is getting your strength back.

whats up next to this?

Lollipops help me. Your body craves the nicotene, but your mind craves the accomplishment of smoking. Lollipops mimic the paw to mouth endeavour close to you do when you smoke.

Just have sex for the first time and.?

Try nibble on strong snacks. At the finish of the morning smoking is more wan for you than a few months of snacking

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Well done for giving up smoking. You can lose the immensity after you are sure your unhooked. It wil be more fun, as you will be fitter and improved. Water is upright to surpress your apetite, but I found that walking the dogs kept me out of the snack jar. Keep going your doing okay.

Coming rotten the pill and making a relatives!?

well done you're doing really well. Don't verbs too much roughly any possible substance gain, it is sooo much improved for you than smoking. Try drinking fruit juice, cranberry is well brought-up or even squash approaching ginger. Your body have a drop surrounded by sugar level after giving up and it have to adjust, hence why you may get the impression resembling sweet things especially. Also lollie pops are really accurate, they also confer the oral stimulation that could be a psychological bill you may be suffering. Don't look support!

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